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I can see a rocket taking off at the (depot) sight!
Keep at it and don't get involved in gimmicks, then the €2000 will quickly turn into €200,000
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@Kosmonaut I hope so 🚀 In fact, I very rarely see portfolios that consist of one or two ETFs.

Sometimes it's tempting to invest in individual stocks, of course. But now I can say goodbye to this temptation 😂

I invest without a forecast and follow all trends thanks to broad diversification.

Thanks for your encouraging words! Happy investing 🙋
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@jxn1k That's the way it is. And then you always think you can add something else. I did that too, I currently have 3 ETFs. But to be honest: the All-World is doing better 😂
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@Kosmonaut Yes, that's often the case. I think if you really want to invest for your retirement, you should always remain forecast-free.

Just because Microsoft, NVIDIA, Apple & co. are at the top today doesn't necessarily mean this will be the case in over 15 years' time.

In the past, the top companies in the MSCI World rotated constantly.