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Good points you dumb ass. I just have the following questions that I have seen here in part: What would provoke for you an exit from Bitcoin (no Pricetarget)? Can Bitcoin not be crippled with DDOS-like transaction attacks? (Binance is suspected to have done something like that in the last days) Isn't Bitcoin too insecure for DAUs if the motto "Be your own bank" also carries a big risk or personal responsibility? Are there anonymous P2P exchanges to buy Bitcoin to bypass KYC processes? What prevents one or more states to build up more and more presence or influence in bear markets with nodes and stockpiling of Bitcoin?
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@KapriolenCapital I'm concerned here with the simply poorly researched and pointless comments of some users, not the really interesting questions like yours are 😁 Exit from Bitcoin: Permanent world peace with perfect democracies that always act in the interests of the citizen, an alternative to Bitcoin that is really better, technical vulnerability (although it is then probably already too late, unless I discover the gap) Transaction attack: I assume you mean mass transactions? Since each transaction costs money, that would be possible as long as the attacker has enough bitcoin to send. At least that would be my guess without having looked into it further. DAUs: You mean the people who can't handle online banking and stash their money in some hiding place in the house, which is then accidentally disposed of by someone 😁? Jo, the technical hurdle is certainly an issue. However, as I said, I don't see Bitcoin as a global currency, which is why not everyone needs to know how to use Bitcoin. The people who want to use such a network will also build the technical knowhow to do so. For those who want it as an investment but have no idea about it, third party management will certainly be possible once there is reasonable regulation. Without KYC: I refer to the profile of @oliverplass takeover by state: this is actually the only risk I see for the network: a state would like to shut down the Bitcoin network and is putting enormous resources into building up Bitcoin holdings as well as node or mining hardware. But that would be extremely costly and the benefit behind it questionable. Probably only the largest industrial nations would be able to pull it off. If at all
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@KapriolenCapital Oh, the questions I take on occasion of course in the post 👍
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@DonkeyInvestor Were just examples of questions that could be included. I find your answers coherent. I find good your contribution to be able to argue in the future at a higher basic level. Here a carrot 🥕
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@oliverplass if it comes to that and we end up like China, Bitcoin / Monero can already help. I doubt it will get to that point anytime soon though. Looking forward to your contribution 😘
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@oliverplass yo, we have