
I wanted to ask why nobody seems to invest in buffets $BRK.B (-0.11%) invested in buffets? I mean, it is very broadly structured and actually looks good so far.

Please comment if it is in your savings plan or not, if not why :)


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Is in my savings plan.
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Who says no one is investing there?
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$BRK.B is one of the largest positions in my portfolio.
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All in all, it is active in the service sector and I think there are much nicer companies there.

I would always prefer visa or UnitedHealth here. That's why I don't see it as an absolute necessity to invest there.
For me, it's a solid company, but not a great one and you look for these great ones as an investor, the others can be left to the broad market.
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It is my largest position but right now a bit pricey because $KO $AXP $MA & c that he holds have gone to the moon
Solid stock and actually acts more or less as an etf with 90% USA share ^^

I don't buy it because they don't have any dividends and don't plan to but if you don't care
is not a problem, it is a great stock in my opinion
I have the opposite feeling that a lot of people are celebrating the stock. As for me: I don't like Apple as a stock at all, I'm just a consumer victim here and I think that the stock will take a temporary hit if Warren goes up a level. (Let's all hope he turns 200, but I still think so)
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Buffett himself says that BRK will hardly achieve more than the market return in the next few years. He recommends 90% SP500, 10% US Treasuries.
Why would anyone go against the master's advice?
I have a savings plan. Of course, I'd like to have the A share, but unfortunately I can only afford the B share, the one for the mob. 😁
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I only buy the A-shares...😬

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