Investment Decision

Hello everyone,

I would like to gradually enrich my portfolio with gold so that it ultimately accounts for a maximum of 5% of the total value. I have selected the following two ETCs and am now unsure which one to choose. My investment horizon is 15 - 20 years.

$4GLD - Xetra-Gold

Fees: 0.3% p.a. based on the value of the custody account. These fees are charged monthly, which can quickly become expensive with my planned investment horizon and a possibly rising gold price. Added to this are the rather high delivery fees.


No fees, but a significantly higher spread. Significantly better cost model for delivery fees.

Do you have any pro/con arguments? Or which factors should I perhaps take a closer look at?

Thank you in advance and good luck with your investments. 🍀


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Definitely $EWG2. I think the spread is about 1.3% above the sale value. This should make $EWG2 significantly cheaper if you intend to hold the gold for the long term.
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Have you looked into the issue of physical deposit/delivery for both? If that plays a role for you. In the case of $EWG2, I know for sure that it is both physically backed by gold and that your holdings can be physically delivered above a certain value. I'm not familiar with $4GLD, but it would be important for me to know if I were to opt for such an investment😅
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Are you actually aware that the first physically backed certificate xetraGold was primarily created for institutional investors who wanted to invest several million in gold? Until the early 2000s, this was a problem and only possible via futures that had to be constantly rolled over. Only then did the providers realize that these securities could also be sold to private investors. Then the marketing machine started, which is still running today. Gold is a relic of humanity and should be treated as such. It is and was an excellent hedge against all the risks of the present. That is why it should not be mixed with the risks of the present (bank, deposit access, option writer, government access, etc.).
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I think you have already answered your own question. Short-term trading: xetraGold, long-term holding: EuwaxIIGold. However, if the investment horizon is 30 years, I would clearly prefer physical investment. The conditions for securities change arbitrarily and constantly (what do you think happened to the original EuwaxGold?). You don't know what will happen to your custodian bank, securities and taxes in 30 years' time. You do know that a Maple Leaf will still be one in 30 years' time.
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I ask myself, what do you expect from 5% gold in your portfolio? It won't make a significant contribution to performance and will hardly cushion your portfolio even in small crises. If you want to have gold for an absolute doomsday crisis, then buy physical gold and silver coins.
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Real gold, preferably gold coins, is my investment in this regard. Here you always have at least the gold price, sometimes more depending on the coin
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I would definitely opt for euwax because of the options you have given me. Personally, however, I prefer physical gold at home. Why? There is only one simple reason for me. For me, gold is a crisis currency and a security. In the event of a crisis, the banks could be closed, as could my custody account. I could have as much gold in my custody account as I want, I wouldn't be able to monetize it! That's why I keep it at home in my safe - knowingly - without any return😁.
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$EWG2 and nothing else
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