
One in five can't afford a vacation. And so that it will soon be one in four, in 2024 the CO2-#Steuer tax will be increased. What we need are tax cuts now!



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Maybe it's simply because people don't know how to handle money? 🤷🏼‍♂️ Moreover, vacation is not a basic right and is actually a luxury expense.
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I agree somewhat with @Staatsmann. Many really can not handle their money. Am myself a family man and earn not degree much. Nevertheless, the money is enough for everything. Although no Dubai travel for 10 000 euros but still 2-4 vacations a year are inside. Set priorities and do not cause waste. See it myself in my circle of friends. In return, they smoke a pack for 10 euros a day and finance their cars for 600 euros a month. This is just my personal opinion and everyone should live as happy as he wants to.
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That is populist nonsense. We are talking about people with low incomes. Let's take a family that earns 3500€ gross together. So a call center job plus part-time something similar. They have two children and thus pay (according to the calculator) 172€ in taxes. So now tell me, how far you want to lower the tax, so that there is much more around? And then you have to look at this survey: "according to own information". Means it was not evaluated objectively, but one asked for feeling. I made a week's vacation in France a month ago, with 3 children. The cottage has cost me including cleaning, etc. just 520 €. If you now buy food yourself, then the costs are more or less like eating at home, so hardly makes a difference. My parents did not have much money during my childhood and since we have just made exactly the same vacation. There was then just no restaurant, no 1000 ice cream, etc., but we were away and it was fun. Sure, we never flew, but that was just the way it was. Today I earn a "few" Ocken more and then just goes activity until the doctor comes, but do I have to do that? I think not.
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Well if I have to pay as a family of 4 (children 2 and 3 next year) for 14 days over 7,000 € for Europe it is already critical. Not the question with me whether you can afford it but whether you want to pay that. Is all inclusive, but still become expensive
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Taxes down not necessarily. Taxes should rather be used more sensibly
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It is also not wanted by the policy, what you choose has consequences 🙂
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Once a year we pack our car full and go out of season high in the north of Denmark and then ab auffe island. da kriegst for under 1,000€ for 2 weeks a fancy cottage including ferry. plus gas money and food, which I would have to buy at home. the result: absolute peace and relaxation. well, it's no longer 20 degrees and tan also no longer, but it's vacation :) Sure, with family on vacation we could not go on vacation - that is indeed priceless.
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Germany has been slipping downward for years. Wake up, invest accordingly and possibly buy an apartment abroad.
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What do people also want on vacation? In our country there are social systems that need to be fed! I can only recommend everyone to try to draw citizen's money or to be dismissed and to draw alg1 for 1 year. Every 2 years of course.
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There is no basic right to vacation at home or abroad. The increase in the co2 tax has nothing to do with this. That is populism. What we need are higher wages
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