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@Larsen "Thank you" for your comment. Since I believe that even after a renewed attempt to explain to you why I wrote exactly these lines, you arrived at the same "interesting" statement and I also do not owe you (especially not on the Internet) any accountability (basically your statement) - a quote for you: "If freedom means anything at all, then it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear" Georg Orwell Have a nice Sunday!
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@Larsen It really seems to bother you a lot. I mean, otherwise you would not have taken the trouble again to leave a comment and then edit this again. Too bad actually, I found your quote quite interesting. Oh well... you do not interpret a little too much in any texts in a FINANCIAL community? Just one thing as a hint. We will surely run into each other from time to time in the comments. That cannot be blocked unfortunately... oh wait, in how far again was your contribution so far in the community except in this senseless venture to accuse me necessarily "arrogance" and "moral exaltation"? A motto among thieves: "One recognizes his equal". Have a wonderful Sunday, taking your suggestion seriously, I'm going to the playground with my son. There is more peace.