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Since I have not seen the contribution and also do not know who it is, I let times a valuation outside. From a purely objective point of view, you're right in any case. But now comes my big BUT: The tone makes the music (and the corresponding reaction to it). At least today you seem to be on the road with a somewhat loaded tongue. I already noticed under my last post. No offense, I think your work here is great, but if you write with a certain snootiness (between the lines), then it does not go down well with the recipient. Even if it's objectively true, the recipient blocks against it on principle. I don't think it's intentional on your part, and maybe you're just in a bad mood because of something. I do not know, you do not have to say. Nevertheless, time to pay attention to the fact that at the other end, nevertheless, a person sits and that misunderstand (wants) if you do not communicate at eye level. Regardless of whether you (probably) have much more experience in the field or not.
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@RisingAktie Sorry, but I like to write it to you again. I have neither started any attack on you, nor meant anything between the lines. And with the present text I do not mean you at all. I also spent a wonderful day with the family in Karl's Strawberry Land (or whatever those things are called)... so bad moods are also non-existent. 🙃😉 Ok, I formulate it again more precisely: I apologize if you misunderstood my comment under your post. It was and is in no way meant that way. So I'm sorry if my statement was misleading. For the rest, thank you for your opinion. However, I think that we both feel quite fundamentally just past each other... But that does not matter, for that we are, as you rightly say, people. In this sense: Have a nice evening and rest of the weekend!
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@InvestmentPapa don't worry, I didn't feel addressed😂 My post wasn't about portfolio feedback and I didn't delete any comments either. Then everything is good. Just wanted to give you some input on it.
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@RisingAktie Sender + Receiver + Message. The beginning of all "social" courses.🙈👍