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GQ also constantly deletes my comments just because I tap out or a notification appears... think they don't like me either 😵‍💫
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@SharkAce happens to me often 🙈 the last message I had to rewrite it five times because it miraculously disappeared again and again 🥲😂
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@Jenmadness schlimm wirds if the text was really long and everything is gone because of the notification that you have only 20% battery 🥲 Any short copy you can forget zb also 😂
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@SharkAce I think you know that's not what I mean. 🙃 It's about comments that were really there and also responded to, which are suddenly no longer there. And if you then ask, this demand also disappears... in addition, you get a visit from the corresponding profile where the comments were made. So that would already be more than a coincidence. 😐 And yes... on other days I would vll. not interested; but today you just have bad luck and may do my crying on the subject times. 😉
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@InvestmentPapa now stop making me curious 😭 @SharkAce @Jenmadness I know, I always write everything longer in the notes before 🥴🙊
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@Lorena Sorry... you won't get a name. 😞 However, I noticed this three weeks ago. I didn't write anything about it then. Simply thought... then just not. But now it happens twice today, with one and the same person. And there it is enough for me. Therefore this toddler tantrum. Which is actually not a tantrum, but simply a statement and request for more understanding.
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@InvestmentPapa I know what you mean just want to spread my daily nonsense :D But I'm with you. Whether own or other comments should simply stand. Unless there is a good reason (very attacking / you do not want to share it etc).
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@SharkAce All good. Have thought the same almost. I'm probably a bit sensitive right now... 😅 Have a nice evening!
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@InvestmentPapa likewise! Turn on console and shit on people fromm Internetz dings
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@InvestmentPapa I also have something nice @SharkAce where we are on the subject of "nonsense" *cough* 😂😂 I have my "ex" blocked on all social media channels, when I started here in January, I took the same name as my then Instagram Acc. Now guess who has visited me desöfteren (God thank Getquin for the blocking function) 😂😂😂 so now I've posted enough nonsense 🙈 No can understand you completely, that would also make me now yes a bit foxy @Lorena apropos, that reminds me of our "buddy" 😂
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@Jenmadness ufff oh no! But the take with the same name was also a mistake I made. I have several people about my Spotify playlist, which I have here on GQ in the bio, found on Insta, because I took the same name. First renamed 😂 but I hope the block function has worked for you? Our friend has deleted by the way 🌝😂