
My focus is on financial independence! 💰💼

Short-term goal:

Generate €12,000 in dividend income annually, which means each month. 1.000 € every month.

Long-term goal:

The goal is to receive €120,000 annually in dividend income, which is monthly 10.000 € equivalent.



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I like your modesty. I also think small 😁
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I wonder if having such a goal makes you financially independent or if you make yourself a slave to your financial goals? If you earn so much that this goal is realistic, you may also have more important things to do than pursue this goal.
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With an average payout of 3%, you need assets of 4 million euros - is that your long-term goal or do you calculate differently?
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How unrealistic does that sound
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Well, there's nothing wrong with setting goals, but what's interesting is not so much what some people dream of, but rather what they've achieved so far. "Do what we want, only harder! ☝🏻"
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I would also like to have such objectives 🙀
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Whether that is realistic or just a dream, only you will know. As long as the goal motivates you and does not frustrate you, it's ok anyway! As already written, it would be interesting to see where you stand now. Since your first goal is still 1000€ per month, you seem to be a bit away from it, ie your deposit is not yet in the middle 6-digit range. Ie but now step on the gas 🫵🏻😉 For me, it would be absolutely unrealistic from today's perspective, because then I would need a fortune of about 20million € ... Because, when it comes to several million, I would not put more than 25-30% in my shares / ETF portfolio. Then there are also other investments😂...
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Sounds wild. But doable with a fat salary and a solid 7-digit base. And you shouldn't be particularly old yet...
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Gross or net? So since you are still before the short-term goal, it is definitely still a long way.... I keep my fingers crossed!
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Whether that is realistic or not remains to be seen. After deducting capital gains tax, we are still roughly at €7,500 per month. What do you need that much for? I can think of many things for which you could spend it, but do you need it?

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