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@meta @getquin @SharkAce @Lorena That's the right way to do it.
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@Europoor have talked with the times... talks like a walking motivation encyclopedia😅
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@SharkAce I have no doubt that he is a good salesman and can lead people. He didn't become so rich with AWD for nothing.
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@Europoor yes he can talk... just like the rest of Höhle der Löwen. but often sounds like "i'm talking my 1x1 down here and seem serious" :D he was nice anyway and he also paid for the food hahah
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@SharkAce what are you celebrity hunting?
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@Lorena ne my boss from the training was Ralf Dümmel... thereby Höhle der Löwen was celebrated mies with us and there you also get to know the others :D
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@SharkAce Seriously? 👀 uiiii
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@Lorena yes Ralf Dümmels DS products has bought up my training company at the time :D Had then even a few business trips to Hamburg 😂 been mies cool as a trainee hahah
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@SharkAce Horny 👁👄👁.