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Single, no children, car. Approx. 70% savings rate.
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@Luffy3D2Y 70% is decent 🚀
Hotel Mama then?
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@Jb_Sma Nope. My own apartment. I've lived in my own place since I was 18. Especially as I also support my parents financially.
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@Luffy3D2Y That's very high! Can I ask at what income level and whether you are doing it consistently? How do you build up the reserves and how do you deal with higher monthly unexpected costs?
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@Cracker I am slightly above the average annual gross salary in Germany. The 70% savings rate relates to the salary. I have additional monthly income from my trading portfolio, where I have a fixed sum. I use it to pay for vacations and support my parents and so on. I also live very simply, I'm a saver and don't have high monthly expenses. My biggest hobby is the stock market anyway. That's why I earn money rather than spend it.
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@Luffy3D2Y a lot of respect at this point! Does that mean you have a savings rate of 1800-1900€ per month?
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@Cracker Yup. Around 1800-2100, depending on whether I treat myself to something extra for traveling or need something for my parents.