
Welcome to the new year 💰

Made my first transactions this year today and further expanded my #dividenden -depot further.

The following investments were made.





The latter was also $MPW but decided against Medical and to expand my current position.

Since I started towards the end of 2021 to open another #dividendendepot I was able to increase my dividend payment by 490,478% in 2022 compared to the previous year. The value seems a bit exaggerated, but I also only got a little under one euro in the depot in 2021. So don't get wide-eyed at the percentage figure. 😂

On this way I wish you another investment-friendly year and that the wind always moves in our direction ($UKW ). 😜 💵


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At $OHI you often read that they are on their last legs. I have but on the to-do list. $HTGC I buy next month, if my personal "dip discount" still holds until then.

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