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Nice deposit size at that age and as a student :D Otherwise, it is questionable whether you really want to save dividend ETF, especially the $VHYL, with the age. There is a contribution here. I'll post the same as an addendum purely Have fun reading!
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@TreasureHunter but the capital increase is no longer in the foreground for him, but rather to have something from the portfolio today. He will have enough confidence that the cryptos will also provide the extra boost for the next few years. What jucken there the 3% difference between dividend ETF or not :D
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@Fabzy Where does it say that he is no longer interested in a capital increase? He has also written that he wants to be 90% invested in ETFs in the future and why then forego returns and thus more distributions with, for example, the $VWRL? Especially because he probably also has a long investment period.
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@TreasureHunter Thank you! I'll read up on it.
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@NurEinHobby I also get the impression that you haven't looked into dividend stocks that much. In any case, I don't think focusing specifically on these three ETFs is the best choice. Have you seen Ben Felix's videos? Just search YouTube for "ben felix dividend investing." You don't have to share his very limited preference for factor investing, but I think his videos are an excellent source of information on investing in ETFs.
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@randomdude Yes, admittedly my strengths lie elsewhere. What ETFs would you buy in your estimation for this? Less USA?
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@NurEinHobby That depends on your investment goals. Like others here, I've assumed that at your age you're not primarily concerned with wealth preservation or consumption. Do you still have a savings plan going? And what was the reason you went 100% into dividend ETFs?
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@randomdude Dividends in general, because I have been waiting for years to finally generate cash flow. Specifically, dividend ETFs to support my parents with "guaranteed" income. I have to say around 800€ net monthly takes a lot of burden off.