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The employee share packages unfortunately dilute everything a bit😶 Thanks for the Apollo explanation, tried to understand it before using the Palantir video, but didn't quite succeed due to complexity and language barriers😂😅
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@Plusgeschaeft Depending on the regulations, these share packages can bind/motivate employees. They are directly linked to the company's success. Eigl something positive but the number hurts😂 And yes definitely. Even for me it was not easy. The marketing department definitely had more power than the IT people... I've never read so much nice talk before.
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@SharkAce Let's see if it works😂🙏🏻 In any case, it is supposed to be transparent and understandable, has actually confused me rather more. What I still found exciting is the predictive policing part in the Gotham product, I was not clear at first how blatant the benefits of it can be, but the more you read / listen / watch the more interesting it becomes. @ccf for your efforts!
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@Plusgeschaeft nowadays everything goes in the direction of looking ahead instead of reacting. The market is slowly realizing that it is better to eliminate mistakes before they occur instead of preparing well for them :D At least that is my assessment through the profession/demand of customers 👍🏼