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A question about physical gold: What denomination did you choose? Do you store it normally in a safe deposit box at a bank or similar?
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@betamax65 The joke with physical gold is that you have it with you (safe at home, hidden in your apartment, as jewelry on your body).
Otherwise you can theoretically also buy $DE000EWG0LD1. There is no storage or safe deposit box fee.

For denominations, always buy as large as possible. The smaller it is, the more you pay.
With gold, as with silver, my minimum is 1 ounce Krugerrand.
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@SatoshiNakamo Hmmm, the question is why the precious metal. Basically as a hedge if the other assets you have weaken significantly. The only question that arises for me is if I have an ounce of gold (today around 1,850 euros) then the value of the ounce will rise rapidly. Who will be able to offer me an adequate equivalent value in the event of hyperinflation, for example? Sure, the bigger the lump ;-) the cheaper. But if I ever had to buy a loaf of bread from it, then I imagine it would be more practical with 1 gr silver bars (of course the whole thing is somewhat hypothetical)
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@betamax65 As an investor, I am always optimistic about the future.
I do not assume that we will hyperinflate and I do not intend to pay with gold.

It serves more as an admixture to dampen volatility somewhat and to balance out inflation over the decades. I am not hoping for any major performance. Although I do believe that the gold price will rally in the coming months.