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Thank you for your contribution, as in my annual post I have used the last day of the action, however, meta now already ran into plus I'm curious how it looks in 28 days. Do you advise against derivatives completely? Had talked to a friend bzgl. The crypto derivatives on vivid. He only uses Bison so far. His idea he buys on vivid the crypto derivatives of polkadot and cardano and as soon as these, introduced on Bison. Would he sell on vivid, transfer the money to bison and then buy the coins there. To bridge time with speculative gains right now. I think he forgets the trading fee at not prime and the spread at Bison! Or is the idea just too stupid for me and he is too lazy to register on another crypto exchange!
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@Koenigmidas Signing up on Kraken or similar should not be the hurdle. I don't have the costs and spreads for crypto on Vivid in my head. I basically dislike the fact that you are dependent on the issuer. Therefore, I would advise against it.