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So eigl there is only one criterion and that is the area of interest. Know some ü45 year olds who play CoD, Fifa or even Fortnite :D But in the mass I would say the game must be relaxed and cover an area of interest. So just console / PC on and play without 12 year olds who have not seen the sun for 12 years to be massacred 😂
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@SharkAce I can't stand COD anymore. I do not see this pointless rumgeschwitze. I just got old amk
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@KapriolenSonne I do it to me currently still because you have nothing else to play with colleagues. But the CoDs are also getting worse and worse.
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@SharkAce Have the same problem, but COD I do not see for 70 €. I'd rather get an AMD share 🌚
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@KapriolenSonne Advantages if you have a girlfriend and anniversary in October 😂 She buys me the game and I her jewelry. Lose more but system dribbled 🦍🦍
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@SharkAce now I feel like I'm over 45. thank you!
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@SharkAce A doer like he is in the book.
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@TheAccountant89 me sometimes too... 🤝🏽☹️