
New target group / demand in the gaming industry

Interest in computer games among older people continues to grow. The number of gamers over the age of 45 will increase by 8 million in 2020, so in principle a new market is potentially opening up with computer games being developed specifically for the older population. What do you think, what kind of computer games would be particularly interesting for such a target group and which companies are perhaps already implementing this today?

I would be interested to know which criteria a game has to fulfill in order to be well received by 45+ year olds. I'll do some research on this when I get the chance.



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I don't find that particularly surprising now, the generation that grew up with computer games etc. is now slowly entering the area of over 40s. While those who were over 40 10 years ago, have not heard of Playstation etc. in their youth, because they simply did not exist yet 😅. In their youth have heard, because they simply did not yet exist 😅
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Soon $NVDA will be the top position in $2B77
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So eigl there is only one criterion and that is the area of interest. Know some ü45 year olds who play CoD, Fifa or even Fortnite :D But in the mass I would say the game must be relaxed and cover an area of interest. So just console / PC on and play without 12 year olds who have not seen the sun for 12 years to be massacred 😂
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I am now very irritated that you refer to me as "older people"...!???? 😔
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I'm 45, but I would play the same games I played 10-15 years ago. In my case it was first-person shooters: Unreal Tournament, Half Life, Battlefield, Call of Duty.
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I am surprised by your translation. So I read that the number has risen by more than 4 million since 2020. And not by 8 million in 2020. Is already a difference whether 4 million in just under 3 years or 8 million in one year 🤔
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The PC game for seniors is called Elster (like FiFa there are annual updates that appear in the spring).
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We all get older :D I can already see the first CS:GO tournaments in the retirement home ... in so 30 years :D
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Well we gamers are not getting any younger or age certainly not gamers 😂

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