9 Kommentare

viel Lärm um nichts 🐍
Some analysts say money will rotate into small caps as the large caps have had their run and now investors are looking for opportunities in small caps. I bought some $VB just to cover my bases.
It’s a signal to buy the dip if you’re a long term investor
@ak_dein If you would have to select one for the next 5-10 years, which one would it be and why?
@thewolfofallstreetz Risk free = EUR based SP500 index ETF or significantly high risk = PLTR …. So none of the FAANG 😊
@ak_dein I like your conviction - you can't borrow that. I like PLTR for the long-term but would not add currently to my position. Any other position you like in particular?
FAANG platzt grade aus allen Nähten.
Zucki soon in jail
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