Banco BPM
Historische Dividende und Prognose
Die nächste Dividende wird am 24.04.2025 ausgeschüttet.
Häufig gestellte Fragen
Wie hoch ist die Marktkapitalisierung von Banco BPM?
Wie hoch ist das Kurs-Gewinn-Verhältnis (KGV) von Banco BPM?
Wie hoch ist der Gewinn pro Aktie (EPS) für Banco BPM?
Wie lauten die Analystenbewertungen und das Kursziel für die Banco BPM Aktie?
Wie hoch ist der Umsatz von Banco BPM in den letzten zwölf Monaten?
Wie hoch ist der freie Cashflow von Banco BPM?
Wie viele Mitarbeiter beschäftig Banco BPM, und welchem Sektor und welcher Branche wird es zugeordnet?
Wie hoch ist der Streubesitz (free float) der Aktien von Banco BPM?
- Marktkapitalisierung
- 12,19 Mrd. $
- 0,945 $
- Handelbares Volumen
- 1,18 Mrd.
- 8,58
- Umsatz (TTM)
- 10,08 Mrd. $
- Free Cashflow (TTM)
- 6,75 Mrd. $
- 1T Spanne
- 8,071 $8,214 $
- 52W Spanne
- 5,03 $8,468 $
Das Preisziel liegt bei 8,132 $ und die Aktie wird von 16 Analysten gedeckt.
Banco BPM SpA operates as a national commercial bank. It is engaged in the provision of private and corporate banking, loans, e-banking, and investment services. The firm operates through the following segments: Retail, Corporate, Institutional, Private, Investment Banking, Insurance, Strategic Partnerships, and Corporate Centre. The Retail segment offers the management and marketing of banking and financial services or products and loan brokering to private customers and small businesses. The Corporate segment provides management and marketing of banking and financing services or products and loan brokering to medium and large-sized companies. The Institutional segment includes the management and marketing of banking and financing services or products and loan brokering to bodies and institutions (UCITs, SICAVs, insurance companies, pension funds and banking foundations). The Private segment focuses on the management and marketing of banking and financing services or products and loan brokering to private customers with assets. The Investment Banking segment includes activities to structure financial products, access to regulated markets, and support and development of financial services. The Strategic Partnerships segment offer the contribution of shares held in Agos Ducato, Vera Vita, Vera Assicurazioni, Bipiemme Vita, Factorit, Alba Leasing, SelmaBipiemme Leasing, CF Liberty Servicing, and Anima Holding. The Insurance segment provides the contribution of the interests held in Vera Vita, Vera Assicurazioni, Banco BPM Vita, and Banco BPM Assicurazioni. The Corporate Centre segment offers the portfolio of owned securities, the treasury and the group’s asset and liability management, the stock of bond issues placed on institutional markets, equity interests not allocated between Strategic Partnerships and companies operating in the real estate sector. The company was founded on December 12, 1865 and is headquartered in Milan, Italy.
- Mitarbeiter
- 16.404
- Industrie
- Major Banks
- Sektor
- Finanzdienstleistungen
- IT0005218380
- Primärer Ticker