
Framework #3 Mindset

As mentioned today we are going to dive deeper into my investment mindset. For myself I summarize my investing mindset by the following bullet points.

• First of all I want to remind us, a stock is not a ticker symbol but ownership of a company. We should approach our investments in that sense, like we are owner of the business.

• A very important rule for investing, and general in life is, keeping things simple. When you can not explain an investment in your own simple words, you should not invest your hard earned money in it.

• Volatility is not risk, real risk is risk of losing your money (more on this later in this series).

• Have patience, learn to watch the paint dry as Charlie Munger puts it. It basically comes down to do that you should not act too much on the daily noise.

In the follow up article we are going to dive deeper in analysing stocks.

Link to framework #2: https://app.getquin.com/activity/JXcjeFyNmf


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