Market Opinion for Commodities
🚀 Bullish

+++ Fuel discount is largely passed on+++

I just found a short but very interesting article in the FAZ. According to the article, the fuel discount is passed on almost 100%, in contrast to the almost socialist accusations from politicians and the like.

the IFO Institut compared in addition the tank prices and prices from France and Germany. According to this, even in France, without the introduction of a rebate, prices rose just as they did in Germany. Also in the world-wide comparison one can observe an increase of the prices, thus also the theory of the overprotection and the profit making by the tax cut would be from the table.

What really makes me think are these subliminal attempts in politics and society to implement and establish more and more state regulation. Yes, those who know me know that I definitely see companies as having a social responsibility. But creeping state involvement in business and the like cannot be the solution.

The state cannot and has never been able to make or even lead corporate policy. You can see such complications in well-known prime examples, such as VW or the railroads. Wherever there is interference, where social interests are supposed to be a component, innovations and development inevitably come to a halt.

Isn't the example of Curvac somehow also an example of governmental misjudgement, where BioNTech was already further along in its development than this former student's hut?

Never mind... this is not the topic at all.

The fact is: an alleged excess profit tax, no matter in which industry, is the harbinger of a market model of socialist order. Yes, that I use such harsh words is surprising, but I am simply fed up with this envy and accusation culture in Germany. Even to me, as a moderate left-liberal person, this stitch-up of politics seems slowly ridiculous and without focus on the really important things in this country.

Old-age poverty, child poverty, social inequality and health insurance renovation and modernize the health system would be the construction sites we have in this country.

Instead, we "celebrate" the fuel discount, which mainly benefits the wealthy and frequent drivers, while we stuff the masses with 9 € tickets in crowded trains and feast on their stories. This is also the conclusion of the iFo Institute. But that's another story.


iFo Institute incl. graphics: https://www.ifo.de/node/70066


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Thanks for the article, would have passed me by. The other day I had a discussion about the evil oil multinationals.
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@ccf because of the political sideswipe I would sign so
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To be honest, I don't really understand where the accusations came from, there is NO proof that extraordinary "excess profits" were made, all the politicians' statements contain a "could" or "probably possible". And until all the changes in the law that Habeck & co. want to introduce in this regard are really decided, the 3-month fuel discount has already expired anyway. It's just a sensitive topic, with which many people can be easily picked up, mMn.
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Above all, an excess profits tax would be directly priced in and thus passed on to the consumer, which directly torpedoes the basic idea of relieving the consumer with lower costs. Especially since profits in Europe via holdings, etc. are also gladly shifted to other countries such as Ireland. So far, no one has been able to explain to me how the whole thing should work with the "excess profits tax", that the consumer pays less and not the oil companies + state only profit from it. At most, a cap on the price or driving bans, which subsequently regulate the price via lower consumption. But both can hardly be economically desired...
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I can confirm this 🤷🏼‍♂️ I filled up directly on June 2 and paid almost exactly 35 cents less than before... In the meantime, the price has risen again somewhat, but prices fluctuate again and again anyway.
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I can also confirm the whole thing with Switzerland still complementary. Before the fuel discount it was cheaper in CH. Now it costs directly to the German border about 2.30 CHF. Say, without tax cut we would probably be even higher in DE.
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Am not often your opinion but here definitely!
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I see it the same way - you can't expect prices to go down or stay the same when market conditions change. Without the discount it would be even more expensive.
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So there are enough people who have to drive long distances to their workplace and that in areas where there is no reasonable public transport between home and work. They go to work to afford the car they have to drive to work. Of course, you can look for a job nearby. The only question is whether it is fulfilling. The problem is also that wages are lower in more sparsely populated areas. Of course, this balances out at first. However, one feels the 500 euros less in the month at the end again with his pension. I wouldn't necessarily describe them as predominantly wealthy, because a 9 euro ticket is of absolutely no use to them. Probably more the people who live in or around cities. Or people who make their trips with it.
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