
I donate my CCF profit - Thank you Getquin 🕊💸

Yesterday I was of course once again happy about the Creator of the Week win and thank you this way to the team of @ccf (Creator Fond) Getquin.

This morning I have decided to round up the incoming profit of the PayPal share (equivalent in Euro) and to donate this 100€ to the UNICEF Children's Fund.

I believe that in these times I can do more help with it than to add this sum in my deposit. Also a dinner, which I had planned from it, may be paid now from the own purse.

Furthermore, I placed an order for 10 packs (a 100 💊 ) painkillers ibuprofen 400 and will bring them on Friday to a collection point for donations towards Ukraine in Berlin.

"Funfact": I had to distribute the order to 3 pharmacies. At two of these pharmacies the quantity was limited to 3 packs each. Strange who comes up with funny ideas...

Anyway... what do I want to say with it?

Well: It doesn't matter what opinion I have about the conflict and the war in Ukraine and whether I can understand (or NOT) why there are people who get lost in obscure comparisons (famine, suffering in other countries, child poverty, etc.) in these times.

What I will not accept, however, is the fact that here INNOCENT PEOPLE are driven out of their HOMES, CHILDREN are born under the most abominable conditions and lose their PARENTS.

To compare the suffering of these people with other unspeakable struggles, wars, conflicts or hardships is not constructive and does not justify any shrug of the shoulders. Not even on a financial community platform.

With this post I neither want to point out how "oh so great I am"... no, I hereby only show possibilities how every single investor can give help in these times.

Help, respect, tolerance and willingness to be human belong in every portfolio, whether financial or personal.

Enclosed still a link for donations and support possibilities:


Whom I have again annoyed with this post: You're welcome. 🙋🏻‍♂️


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Great action 💪🏼🙏🏼
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Really honorable, I find good 💪🏼 At this point I would like to make advertising for two study colleagues of mine here in Passau, which tomorrow at noon by car to Hungary and there in the next few days at the border with Ukraine people to Budapest to bring them to safety, the two would be very happy about donations, so then here and in Hungary daily needs for the refugees are bought. If anyone wants to participate, hit me up ;)
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I recently donated money as well. And yesterday evening quite unexpectedly learned from neighbors that today at short notice buses with clothes, etc. go to Poland. So without further ado, spent the evening cleaning out all the closets. PS: If you meant me with go on the nerves - This is of course not so. Again, wanted to attack you with it the other day also not in any case. But you can see for sure yourself, what here partly for quarrels under div. post arise. I wanted to counteract purely that. 😘
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Great!!! Today our orders have already arrived, hygiene products for adults and babies. They go tomorrow on the journey! A really great statements, no matter how you stand on this war / culprit Whatever, important is the person who needs help now!
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Absolut top 🚀
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Good action and remember to include it in the special expenses annex on your tax return.
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@InvestmentPapa Great action! Would you be okay with me possibly featuring this post tomorrow on our getquin Instagram account? 🤗
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