

As promised, a short field report.

Day 1 with the $BTC node.

Thursday, approx. 10 o'clock, clock vibrates. "Your package is at the requested drop-off location".

Woohoo! Anticipation is high, luckily the federal government has the pre-feirtag rule! 3 p.m., off home! After one hour drive finally there. Packages collected and off we go.

Now the consideration, do I take the 4 GB or 8GB Pi?

Well, I try it first with the 4 GB. If necessary, I just put on the other, the chain is already on the SSD and the microSD quickly plugged.

First @oliverplass Posts together searched and researched. Umbrel or Citadel? As an IT'ler one supports naturally gladly OpenSource, but it is just not yet completely matured. A new OS would be flashed quickly. So first Umbrel to test and run.

At the same time I unpacked the Pi and took out the old SSD. Back when the VAT was down, the Swabian just came through. "Someday you can certainly use that!"

But first read on, what else you can find on the Internet. Instructions are 90% the same. Few refer to a 8GB Pi, so the 4GB will already be enough.

Then I remembered that I wanted to earn a little extra money. What was that again? Back to Oli's posts again. Lightning... Node... Node... RingOfFire. So again the search engine fired up and searched, small recommendation on the side: "Earn money with Bitcoin" you can find everything but nothing useful 😂

Then encountered the one and other forum.

The disillusionment came quickly. Telegram groups? exact arrangements?

Inbound liquidity, outbound liquidity, local balance, remote balance, bitcoin credit and lightning credit, channel, fees?

If you can't understand these terms, you know roughly how I felt.

So nothing with: Get the Pi ready, load the blockchain and off you go.

Also, the crazy people all calculate in Sats!

The minimum requirements for such a channel are 500,000 sats. So about 190€ that you have to invest again. At least. Also whether one earns what, depends on whether fees are required or not.

I had imagined that differently. Unfortunately, you won't find much if you don't know what to look for. But everything helps nothing. The search continues to be able to provide you with answers!

My conclusion:

The idea is great to support the network and contribute to decentralization. But if you think you can earn a few sats with a Pi and a SSD, you should rather take a step back from your project, if that's all it was about.

Who wants to earn something here, should first sit down a few hours and search the Internet and learn. Just like with shares, which of course we all always do 🤡🙄

Above all, in a RoF, the income depends on the other participants, because here a common stand must prevail with the nodes. If the others don't want fees, you don't get anything.

Who knows more here and how it is easier, like to bang in the comments!

As a small project for the practical entry into the crypto world, it is highly recommended! However, do not buy on Amazon, a Pi costs max 90€. A set about 120-160€. Not 250€. You can find official resellers on https://www.raspberrypi.com . Unfortunately zZ by semiconductor shortage generally sold out and you have to be fast.

Happy Easter to you! I hope the post is not lost in the memes ...


That reflects about what keeps me so far from it. At the beginning I was quite euphoric until I read in further that it is not as easy as it sounds at the beginning. 😆
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More such testimonials 👌🏼👌🏼 was fun to read I let jump a @ccf 🚀🚀
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