
Nuri (formerly Bitwala)

tl;dr I can't recommend Nuri, even for taking bonuses it's only worth it to a limited extent.

Nuri I had mentioned recently and there now discouraged, because I had mentioned it in an older post once for the signup bonus. Wanted to elaborate on this again now. In the overview post on crypto exchanges I had mentioned Nuri: https://app.getquin.com/activity/PfAxjKLYpc

Nothing has changed on the points. I count, times quickly on for those who do not want to open the post again: 1% trading fee, already juicy. Only BTC and ETH. In addition, trade only in the app and the app works only if you have activated biometrics.

Since I currently have a savings plan running on the account to take a bonus with me, I had dealt with the provider again myself. In addition to quite high fees, the courses that Nuri provides also do not seem to be particularly good.

But let's get to the things that have struck me now. I have read several times and noticed that Nuri does not pay out bonuses by itself, but you have to claim the bonuses. Can always happen but it does not look nice. In addition, there are always people whose account is closed, but it is difficult to see whether this is done by Solaris or Nuri. In the appropriate forums appear in addition again and again contributions. I feel much more comfortable with Bison / BSDEX.

@meta had once asked about the Vault and I had not noticed anything when creating. So far everything seemed to be simple. Had then also looked at the restore process. I noticed that a reference key is necessary. Either I skipped it by mistake or I didn't notice it otherwise. You can get the reference key in the account and you also got it by mail when you created the vault. Anyway the recovery process seems to be not quite trivial and you need a third party software for it. [1] So if you use Vault it might be helpful to have the manual and the software available. Maybe @meta say if he does that or if he uses it at all. If you have to replace your Vault, it seems that this can only be done via support, which can then enable the creation of a new one.

All in all, Nuri is not bad, but I don't find it good. Yes, there is still a Visa and a real account with it. However, if you run on the same platform as vivid, tomorrow, Bison / BSDEX must also compete with them.

The really only point in which Nuri ahead of the others, from my point of view is that you can withdraw unlimited free. For crypto, the offers of the Stuttgart stock exchange are superior and as a serious bank account I would not use Nuri. I will still take the bonus for the savings plan and then I close the account.

Do any of you use Nuri seriously or just to take the bonuses?

[1] https://support.nuri.com/hc/de/articles/360000988999-Wie-wird-der-Bitcoin-Vault-wiederhergestellt-


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@Europoor What kind of bonuses are there?
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@Lorena For signing up through one of Nuri's partner sites and trading 30,3€ you get 50€. If you run a savings plan for 3 months 30€.
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@meta Are you still using it?
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@getquin I found it funny that no one had ever said anything at Monerochan.
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My bonuses have not yet been paid out, although all conditions of participation have been met. Have now contacted the support for the 2nd time, so far no answer came back.
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@OnlyETF Fingers crossed that they pay you the money.
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@oliverplass Yes they do answer promptly, but you also use it only because of the bonuses or?
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@HNX-Invest With which actions do you get to 140€?
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@meta Look in your emails for mails from Nuri there should be a mail "Vault has been created - contains important information".
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@meta Otherwise, you can also retrieve the reference key in the account. https://support.nuri.com/hc/de/articles/360000462220-Was-ist-der-Referenzschl%C3%BCssel-
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