
A green background+a shapeless white circle with two dots. If you didn't know it was supposed to represent the nose of a pig (Spar), it could also be a green power socket.

Today I present to you #Oskar to you. For my research and source I also got the whitepaper from the support team, which then more or less slayed me. That's why I had to take over a lot of things so that I don't withhold any details from you about what the Oskar brand offers you or what it advertises. You can find most of it exactly like this in the whitepaper or on Oskar.de, see source reference at the end of the post.

The Roboadvisor Oskar:

What is Oskar:

Oskar is a brand of Oskar.de GmbH, under which Oskar.de GmbH operates the websites and apps and Scalable Capital GmbH manages the assets. Baader Bank AG manages the securities accounts with clearing accounts.

The aim of Oskar: Has set itself the goal of making complex investment strategies, which in the past could be used efficiently primarily by institutional and wealthy investors, equally accessible to every private investor. The basic motivation for the investment concept is the systematic accumulation of assets, taking into account the customer's specific risk tolerance. In order to offer each client a completely customized investment strategy, Oskar's investment model combines the digital allocation of an individual investment profile for each client with portfolio construction through strategic investment allocation and digital portfolio management.

PART1 The Whitepaper:

Individual Investment Profile

Since the customer's financial situation, long-term investment goals, and risk tolerance are all individual characteristics, each customer first undergoes a digital assessment of his or her risk tolerance. Based on this, the next step is to select a risk class that lies within the customer's risk tolerance limit. Each individual customer portfolio is based on a strategic investment allocation defined for the various risk classes.

Portfolio construction

The starting point of the investment strategies is the definition of the investment universe. In doing so, you rely on a special selection of exchange-traded index funds (so-called ETFs) that track all relevant global financial markets. The investment concept based on this is fundamentally based on the scientific theories of Harry Markowitz and William F. Sharpe and aims for broad diversification between asset classes, regions and currencies in order to achieve good, risk-adjusted returns over the long term. The investment concept is implemented in five strategic investment allocations, which follow the same global market strategy, but differ in their risk profile due to varying target ratios of the individual portfolio components.

Digital portfolio management

While the individual investment profile and investment strategies form the core of the investment decision of each client portfolio, the practical implementation of the strategic investment allocation in each individual client portfolio is carried out by using state-of-the-art technologies and optimization processes. In particular, this enables the regular monitoring of customer portfolios and adjustment to optimal target weightings, for example in response to market movements.

Oskar Investment Philosophy

Investment universe and investment products

which are used for portfolio construction. Instead of investing in individual securities, the fund relies almost exclusively on passive exchange-traded index funds (exchange-traded funds or ETFs). The only exception is gold, which is traded on the stock exchange as an exchange-traded commodity (ETC) in the form of a certificate, but is backed 100% by physical gold as a bearer bond.

Listed index funds

In contrast to investments in individual securities (e.g. shares or bonds of individual companies) from specific asset classes, Oskar invests in funds, i.e. baskets of investment instruments that reflect an entire asset class. This guarantees diversification within the respective asset class and, in conjunction with the already diversified investment universe, additionally improves the diversification potential. In order to be able to offer this service to the investor at a reasonable price, Oskar principally chooses passive, listed index funds, so-called Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), as investment instruments, as well as, if necessary, exchange-traded securities that track the performance of commodities (Exchange Traded Commodities, ETCs).

The following criteria are observed here:

Costs - The total expense ratio of a fund, including custody fees and applicable management fees, are summarized in the Total Expense Ratio (TER). ETFs that have a comparatively low TER are preferred in the interest of the investor.

Liquidity - The liquidity of an ETF is based on the pieces of that fund traded on the exchange - the secondary market - as well as the general volume of the market tracked by an ETF. The latter refers to the liquidity of the individual securities underlying an index, with liquidity usually expressed in terms of the narrowness of the so-called bid-ask spread. ETFs with a low trading volume usually have a wider bid-ask spread and thus higher implied trading costs. Oskar therefore prefers more liquid products in the selection, which are traded by a large number of market makers.

Taxes - Tax aspects play an additional role in long-term investment success. In particular, the distribution behavior of an ETF (distributing vs. accumulating) affects tax payments and ultimately the return generated. In terms of tax deferral, Oskar prefers accumulating ETFs. In addition, asset classes from certain regions may have tax advantages or disadvantages, depending on an ETF's fund domicile.

Precision - The more accurately an ETF tracks its index, the lower the so-called tracking error. A decisive criterion here is whether the ETF fully or only partially replicates the index. ETFs that buy all of the securities underlying the index are preferred due to the lower tracking error, as long as this advantage outweighs any higher costs or disadvantageous liquidity in trading the product.

Physical replication - Prefers physically replicating ETFs that hold the underlying securities of an index to track the index. Synthetic ETFs, which replicate the index via derivatives (swaps), have lower tracking error but carry additional counterparty risk.

Sustainability - Oskar prefers sustainable ETFs whose replicated index filters the relevant market according to ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) criteria. These ETFs can track the same asset classes as non-sustainable ETFs, but exclude companies that do not meet the above criteria. A prerequisite for selection is that there is a sustainable ETF on the market that does not increase the average cost of the portfolio.

Statement from Oskar: The ETF selection should therefore ensure the best possible balance between all criteria. In addition, decisions made are continuously monitored over time and adjusted if necessary.

Portfolio components

each Oskar portfolio consists of a composition of equities, bonds, and a component that Oskar refers to as inflation protection. Since these three categories describe both investment instrument and function in the portfolio and thus do not correspond exactly to the scientific definition of asset classes, Oskar refers to them below as portfolio components.

Once Oskar has defined the portfolio components, determine the appropriate investment products to reflect them.


The challenge in constructing a global market portfolio is to reconstruct the global market as completely, cost-effectively and without overlap as possible from the available passive products. Equity component therefore aims to replicate all relevant equity markets in developed and emerging markets. We implement this through equity investments in the five regional markets of the USA, Japan, Europe, Asia-Pacific (APAC) and emerging markets. As things stand, splitting the global equity market into individual, regional components allows us to reduce costs compared to a single, globally invested equity ETF and increases the likelihood of being able to benefit from future cost reductions by individual ETF providers in sub-segments of the equity market. In addition, the split into individual regional markets allows a deviation of the portfolio allocation from a pure market capitalization weighting of the equity position. In this way, individual risks can be specifically managed or reduced. Regions: Large Cap USA, Large Cap Japan, Large Cap Europe, Large Cap APAC, Emerging Markets, Small Cap Global.

Bonds: The structuring of the bond component also aims to reflect the global bond market as comprehensively as possible. The diversification across different currency areas, maturities, issuers and credit quality classes reduces aggregated interest rate, credit and currency risks. The "Global Aggregate Bond" ETF selected by Oskar contains government bonds, bonds of government-related issuers, corporate bonds and covered bonds, diversified across different maturities, from global issuers whose creditworthiness is rated in the investment grade range by the leading rating agencies. As currency risk accounts for a disproportionate share of the volatility of bond positions in foreign currencies, the majority of the bond investment is made by means of a currency-hedged position (EUR-hedged) for investors from the euro area. Due to the credit rating requirement of the bonds included in the "Global Aggregate Bond" index (investment grade), government bonds of emerging markets are usually not included. Nevertheless, to take advantage of the diversification potential, Oskar has added an emerging market government bond product to the bond component. Regions: Global, Emerging Markets

Inflation protection: Since equities, but especially conventional government bonds, do not offer effective protection against inflation risk in the short to medium term, the portfolio allocation includes a combination of physical gold and inflation-hedged, euro-denominated, euro government bonds. These components also serve to diversify the portfolio and thus stabilize portfolio performance in volatile financial market phases. Region: Gold, Europe

Portfolio Construction:

Oskar considers both strategic investment allocation, which describes the weighting of investment products within each portfolio component, and the management of individual risk profiles, which is the weighting of portfolio components in the overall portfolio.

Strategic investment allocation

● The portfolio component equities can be divided into two further components in terms of market capitalization: Companies with high market capitalization (so-called "large cap" stocks) and smaller companies with lower market capitalization ("small cap" stocks). According to scientific studies, small cap companies can generate excess returns over the long term compared to large cap stocks. To capture this so-called "size factor premium", Oskar slightly overweights the asset class relative to its market capitalization.

● To avoid excessive concentrations, within the class of large cap stocks, individual regional markets may be included in the portfolio allocation with a maximum weighting of 30%. As things stand today, this means, for example, an underweighting of U.S. equities in favor of other regions and reflects in particular an approximation of the average investment decision of European investors. The maximum weighting of 30% exists across all equity ETFs, in particular the sum of large cap and small cap ETFs.

Ex: 26% US Equities 6% Japan Equities 21% Europe Equities16% APAC16% Emergency Markets15% Small Cap Global Equities

The allocation within the bond component of the portfolio is also derived from a weighting according to market capitalization. The underlying relevant market capitalization corresponds to the values of the respective equity markets. Ex:85%Global Bonds 15%Emergeny Markets Bonds

Gold and inflation-linked bonds are considered equally important in terms of their role in inflation protection and diversification. Both positions are therefore equally weighted in the inflation protection component of the portfolio. Ex: 50%50%

Risk management: The risk contribution of equities in an ordinary equity-bond portfolio far exceeds the equity quota. This means that price fluctuations even in diversified portfolios can be explained for the most part by the equity ratio. Therefore, it is obvious to classify the risk by the equity ratio of the investment strategy. Oskar offers a total of five investment strategies, which differ from each other primarily in terms of their equity quota and thus their risk profile. Each of the five strategies includes all three portfolio components (equities, bonds and inflation protection) and follows the same allocation strategy within each component. The differences between the individual strategies are therefore exclusively due to different ratios of the individual components to each other, in particular due to different risk classifications based on different equity ratios.

The exact calibration of the weights of the five allocation strategies is based on the following assumptions:

● Minimum 50% equities The Oskar investment strategy with the lowest risk consists of 50% equities. Even for less risk-averse investors, this allows for a balanced opportunity for return, as equities have historically proven to be the strongest driver of return.

● Maximum 90% equities For risk-tolerant investors, the Oskar 90 strategy offers an equity allocation of 90%. To take advantage of diversification even in the most offensive strategy, even this includes a minimum of bonds and inflation protection of 5% each.

● Step size The gradation between the different risk categories is done in steps of ten percentage points each. This step size results in sufficiently different portfolio allocations and still allows the investor a sufficient range of risk specifications.

Investment strategies+ their weighting of portfolio components in the portfolio

OSKAR 50 50% 35% 15%

OSKAR 60 60% 27.5% 12.5%

OSKAR 70 70% 20% 10%

OSKAR 80 80% 12.5% 7.5%

OSKAR 90 90% 5% 5%

Portfolio management

All Oskar portfolios are managed individually and digitally. This allows the user a convenient and professional investment with maximum transparency.

Portfolio monitoring

Monitoring of each Oskar portfolio is performed on an ongoing basis. At each point in time, the current weighting of the portfolio is compared with the weighting of the target portfolio. Deviations from the target portfolio result in particular from market price changes of the individual positions, distributions of individual ETFs or deposits/disbursements on the part of the investor.

Portfolio rebalancing

The rebalancing of individual customer portfolios is based on threshold values. This means that if the portfolio weighting deviates significantly from the target weighting, rebalancing is automatically triggered to bring the portfolio in line with the target portfolio. To keep the risk of the portfolio permanently under control, Oskar uses this threshold-based adjustment, which - whenever necessary - can be carried out on a daily basis.

Trading Cost Optimization

In the rebalancing process, Oskar takes into account a number of constraints in order to keep trading costs at a controllable level. Mathematical leeway is given to the respective target ratio in the investment process accordingly, so that an almost equal result can be guaranteed with a lower trading volume.


Throughout the investment process, both in the selection and exchange of ETFs and in the trading of gold, Oskar optimizes the tax burden of our client portfolios. The focus here is on compound interest, which is relevant for long-term wealth accumulation.

ETF selection

When selecting ETFs, Oskar prefers accumulating ETFs to distributing ETFs. Accumulating ETFs do not distribute their income, but reinvest it, so the distributions are not taxed with flat rate withholding tax, solidarity surcharge and, if applicable, church tax. Instead, an upfront lump sum is due at the beginning of the calendar year, based on the fund's performance in the previous year and the prime rate set by the Bundesbank for each tax year, and is credited when the ETF is sold. Overall, you can thus benefit from a higher compound interest effect with accumulating ETFs.

Exchange of ETFs

If a more suitable ETF becomes available for a portfolio component, Oskar gradually exchanges it for the existing ETF. For sales, Oskar uses the old ETF, but for purchases it uses only the new ETF. In contrast to an immediate exchange, this has the advantage that taxes are only realized when they would have to be realized anyway due to the allocation decision and thus compound interest can be used optimally.

Tax-free holding period of gold

When trading within the portfolio component inflation protection, Oskar pays attention to the compliance with the tax-free holding period of gold. If gold is held for more than one year, capital gains are tax-free. If gold is sold in the portfolio, preference is given to those certificates that have been held for more than one year in order to benefit from the tax exemption. In compensation, there is sufficient scope to increase the share of gold in the inflation protection (ex-ante: 50%), provided that a sale according to the method described above is not yet possible. Subsequently, a relative increase in the gold holding is offset by a relative reduction in the inflation-hedged bond holding, so that the inflation protection portfolio component maintains its weight in the portfolio.

Inflows and outflows

Deposits, for example in the form of a monthly savings plan, are used by Oskar to anticipate a rebalancing process. This means that already at the time of your deposit it is checked which ETFs are currently underweighted compared to the target weighting. Your deposit will be used to increase the holdings of these ETFs in order to achieve a rebalancing effect already with the deposit. If the deposit amount is greater than the capital required for rebalancing, the remainder of the deposit will be distributed pro rata across all portfolio components. Conversely, in the case of partial disbursements, a pending reallocation is also anticipated at this point in time.

Part 2: Different portfolios

How did I, as a long-time stock investor, come to Oskar? A very good friend was interested in investing in stocks and ETFs for her newly born offspring and wanted my personal opinion. I advised her to invest in ETFs, but I am not a fan of ETFs myself. I prefer to pick individual stocks and hold them via buy and hold strategy. Stocks were too risky for her and also to deal with the many ETFs, as a new mother too tedious. So I promised her to find a passive investment opportunity. At some point I came across Oskar. Since I don't recommend anything to anyone that I haven't tested myself, I set up an account for myself. In the meantime my chosen portfolio is called Oskar Klassik, because I am very speculative with my stocks. I have chosen the conservative Oskar 50 strategy.

Now I present you times the different portfolios:

Oskar Classic

advertises with: Investment with OSKAR is possible for small and large assets or also as a savings plan from 25 euros savings rate per month.

- With the ETFs included in the OSKAR strategy, you invest in over 10,000 individual stocks simultaneously. And that worldwide.

- From the jungle of over 2,000 ETFs, we select the best and most favorable ones for you. We exchange the ETFs if more suitable ones are available on the market.

- OSKAR invests not only in the world's largest companies, but also in growth stocks as well as second-line stocks and emerging markets for higher return opportunities.

- To generate regular interest, OSKAR invests a portion of your investment in currency-hedged government and corporate bonds with high credit ratings.

- Oskar chooses ETFs steuersmart and takes care of the rebalancing of your investment so you don't have to.

- No extra costs for custody, account management, securities transactions, rebalancing. Everything is included in the all-in fee of 0.8% to 1% p.a. (plus 0.14% ETF costs).

- DIE WELT am Sonntag says: With OSKAR everyone can now save easily

- CAPITAL, ntv, FocusMoney and ELTERN rate OSKAR with "very good"

Yield development: Oskar 50Good performance 8.81% Average performance 4.35% Poor performance 0.06

Oskar 60: Good development 10.03% Average development 4.74% Bad development -0.28%

Oskar 70: Good development 11.24% Average development 5.11% Poor development -0.68%

Oskar 80Good development 12.44% Average development 5.45% Bad development -1.11

Oskar 90: Good development 13,66% Average development 5,78% Bad development -1,56%

With Oskar you can save for the whole family and you only need one account. You can create as many accounts as you want within your account. E.g. for your own children, grandchildren, godchildren etc. Each account can have different savings plans and risk classes.

Problem with ETF savings plan:

  • Existing broker deposit necessary
  • ETFs must be selected independently
  • No tax optimization in case of regrouping / sale
  • Several savings plans are necessary for worldwide and theme-specific coverage
  • Switching must be done by the customer
  • Switching costs fees
  • Only one party can save in an ETF savings plan for children.
  • Children savings plans require separate accounts
  • No risk categories selectable
  • No withdrawal plan possible

Solution at Oskar:

  • can be opened in 15 minutes without an existing broker account
  • Selects the appropriate ETFs from 2,000 ETFs. Attention is paid to costs and performance, and if necessary, the funds are exchanged automatically and free of charge
  • is tax smart
  • invests in up to 10 ETFs at the same time. You thus achieve worldwide coverage. contains an inflation protection component and is also currency-optimized
  • has automatic rebalancing
  • has no extra costs for rebalancing, buying and selling
  • grandma, grandpa and others can save with you
  • everything is clearly visible via a login in an app/website
  • offers a choice of 5 risk categories
  • offers payout plans

All other portfolios that I now present to you are not yet used by me, it is here with solely Copy&Paste from the page Oskar.de

Oskar Kids: advertises with

- Already starting from 25 euro savings rate in the month

- OSKAR invests in low-cost ETFs

- Decide whether the account should legally be in your child's name or yours

- With OSKAR, you can start saving now for your child's studies, training or stay abroad.

- Grandma, Grandpa and others can save with you at any time, as each OSKAR account has its own IBAN.

- If you wish, your child can have read access to the account. In this way, he or she learns about finances along the way.

- OSKAR was awarded the highest rating by ELTERN magazine.

- Stiftung Warentest about OSKAR: "OSKAR: The child-friendly robo (digital investment)".

The whole family in one Oskar account.

Conclude Oskar in the name of "the child" Conclusion in the name of the name of the child results in a tax difference: Normally, each child (and each adult) can use a saver's lump sum amounting to 801 euros per year. No taxes are then due on this amount. However, income on securities accounts in the child's name can also remain tax-free up to the amount of the basic tax allowance (9,984 euros) and the special expenses allowance (36 euros). In total, the tax-free income limit for children in 2022 is therefore 10,821 euros. You can ensure this by submitting a so-called non-assessment certificate (NV certificate) for the child. With Oskar, you can open accounts in the child's name and thus benefit from the tax advantages.

§ Capital gains up to 10,581 euros per year tax-free (lump sum (801 euros), basic tax-free allowance (9,744 euros), special expenses lump sum (36 euros))

§ Money belongs to the child (has power of control)

§ There is no gift tax (if no more than 400,000 euros are paid in within 10 years)

§ Effort is greater, as all legal guardians must agree, birth certificate must be submitted

§ If assets exceed 7,500 euros, entitlement to BAfög no longer applies

§ If the average income is higher than 470 Euros per month (or 445 Euros per month in the East), the free family insurance does not apply.

§ Opening a children's account is only possible for minors

Oskar in your own name for the child. In this case, you cannot take full advantage of the tax-free income limit for the child, but setting up an ETF savings plan is much less complicated: you do not have to submit a birth certificate, a non-assessment certificate is usually no longer required, and the money saved is yours. This means you can decide for yourself when to transfer the assets to your offspring. And you can also decide how much money you want to transfer. The maximum assets of your child may still be a maximum of 7,500 euros if the entitlement to BAföG is to be maintained.

§ Control over the money does not pass to the child.

§ Tax benefits do not apply, as your own tax allowances must be used

§ Opening an account is very simple

§ BAfög and insurances are not an issue

§ Only you have access to the account. If you want the second legal guardian to have access to the account as well, please answer the question "Should the investment be made in your name or in the name of the child?

Oskar VL: For example, my partner uses Oskar VL and has not complained yet.

  • Special features: 100% low-cost equity ETFs with global diversification
  • Sustainable investment criteria
  • Already from 25 Euro savings rate per month
  • No minimum term (7 year lock-in period not applicable)
  • Your money is available at any time
  • No basic fees. You only pay the regular fees Gebühren
  • No state subsidies for incomes below 20,000 euros

You already have a VL account? That's no problem. You can suspend your old VL contract at any time without canceling it and simply use OSKAR VL from now on. From now on, your employer simply has to transfer the VL contribution to your OSKAR account.

How can I start Oskar VL: Every VL-entitled employee can open a VL account with OSKAR. Or, if you already have an OSKAR account, click on the + sign in your account to open another account. Then select VL account).

You will receive the "Application for transfer of capital-forming benefits" for submission to your personnel department from us after opening the account. That's all you have to do.

Ask your HR department or your supervisor whether you are entitled to VL.

What is the difference between Oskar klassik and Oskar VL? Besonderheiten of Oskar also apply to Oskar VL. The only difference is that the law stipulates that VL products may only use equity ETFs. Therefore, OSKAR VL uses 100% equity ETFs and no bond or commodity ETCs. At the same time, this means that there is no choice of investment strategies with OSKAR VL and accordingly no inflation protection component.

What does Oskar VL cost: Unlike some other providers, there are no basic costs with OSKAR VL. There are also no additional costs or fees for VL management. Only the regular Gebühren fees apply.

Oskar Black:

If you happen to have more than 50000€ lying around. Then Oskar Black could be interesting for you.

How do I become an Oskar Black customer? If one of your portfolios has a market value of at least 50.000€, you automatically get the black status. You don't have to do anything else. This way you can enjoy new service features. If your portfolio has an average market value of at least 50,000 euros in the billing period, you can also look forward to lower costs.

Important: Your investment strategy and the ETFs used will not change as a result.

Why Oskar Black?

- Lower fees: From an average market value of the managed client assets in the settlement period of at least 50,000 euros, the costs for the portfolio are reduced to 0.70% p.a.. This represents a saving of up to 30% on the regular fees of up to 1.00% p.a.

- More service: As a black customer, you will be assisted by a personal service team specially trained for high investment amounts. As a black customer, you also have access to our own service hotline, which guarantees that your concerns will be dealt with as quickly as possible.

- Optimized tax burden: If your securities account shows profits before the end of the year, we will realize these for you in the amount of the exemption order you have issued. This puts you in a more favorable tax position than if the taxation of all income only takes place at the end of your investment period.

- Pension plan: Change your investment strategy depending on your age or individual situation. As a black customer, you will soon also be able to take advantage of our pension payout plan. If you wish, we will then pay out the sum you have selected from your portfolio on a monthly basis.

New in the Oskar family is Oskar Pro.

Oskar Pro

While OSKAR klassik is designed as a basic investment, OSKAR pro goes one step further and enables direct investment in promising industries and future technologies.

Currently, there is one OSKAR pro strategy each for cryptocurrencies, megatrends and value/dividends. Each OSKAR per strategy contains several ETFs specialized in the respective topic, which in turn invest in a variety of corresponding stocks or cryptocurrencies. Thus, with an investment in OSKAR pro you achieve a broad diversification of your capital within a theme.

Each OSKAR pro strategy is designed as a standalone portfolio and you can invest via individual investments as well as via savings plans. Although OSKAR pro portfolios have a higher chance of return than OSKAR klassik, they also have a significantly higher risk due to the concentration on one theme. This is especially true for OSKAR pro crypto. In addition, the fees charged by ETF or ETP providers for some of the ETFs or ETPs included in OSKAR pro are higher than for OSKAR klassik - which, even though the fees for OSKAR itself remain the same - results in higher overall costs. In addition, investments in sustainable ETFs are not always possible for trend themes. But: as soon as cheaper or more sustainable ETFs are available that meet our investment guidelines, we will swap the ETFs or ETPs for you. Currently OSKAR pro portfolios are only available for customers who also have an OSKAR klassik or VL account.

Part3: What else I wanted to say or hasn't been mentioned yet

Costs: You now know the different portfolios but what does the fun cost you. The service fee of Oskar.de GmbH, the fee for asset management as well as the costs for securities trading are in total 0.7% p.a. for a portfolio value of more than 50,000 Euro, 0.8% p.a. for a portfolio value of 10,000 Euro to less than 50,000 Euro and 1% p.a. for a portfolio value of less than 10,000 Euro. In addition, there are external product costs for the financial instruments amounting to 0.14% p.a.. However, these are already priced into the ETFs and are not calculated separately.

That means you have the following total costs (all costs p.a.): up to 10000€ 1,14%, from 10000€ to 49999,99€ 0,94%, from 50000€ 0,84%.

I know in the community costs and taxes are always a high discussion topic. For me personally, these are very manageable and also acceptable.

Backup: Oskar is not authorized to take ownership or possession of your assets, so your securities will not be part of the bankruptcy estate in the event of insolvency. In the event of insolvency of the custodian bank, your clearing account is protected by the statutory deposit insurance and there is a claim for return of the securities in your custody account.

Withdrawals from your clearing account can only be made to the reference account specified by you.

Statutory deposit protection up to 100,000 euros. In addition, protection by the deposit protection fund of the BdB.

Gift vouchers: By the way, you can give gift vouchers as presents. New securities accounts can be opened with them. Or existing customers can use them to top up their account. There are 3 different ones in the amount of 25€, 100€ and 500€.

Tree Savings Project: Oskar has not only switched his ETFs to sustainability, but also wants to make a real contribution to the planet. They support: Planetfortheplanet,wellsfor zoe organization and Eden Reforestation. With this, Oskar plants a tree for every savings plan. According to Oskar, this is financed through the advertising budget. You can also choose whether you want to receive a cash reward or whether 10 trees should be planted for you and your friend. You can use your app to check every day how many trees have been planted, how much CO2 has been captured, and how much forest has been reforested thanks to you.

Tax certificate: Of course you will receive an annual tax certificate.

Savings rate/one-time payments: these can be changed/confirmed at any time. Savings plan execution always at the beginning of the month. One-time payments usually require 1-2 banking days.

WithdrawalsIf your deposit is less than 1000 euros, you can only be paid out in full by cancelling your deposit. Everything that is over 1000€ can be paid out at any time, also here the 1-2 banking days are to be considered.

Who does not know it. Again birthday, wedding anniversary, anniversary, etc.. You already have everything you need. Be wishfully happy and to wish money is always so Cringe. For this Oskar offered the sponsors invite function. So you could partially release his access to friends and acquaintances. This was unfortunately changed by Oskar at least it no longer works with my Android in the app. My partner uses her iPhone because you can currently still. Otherwise it still works with Oskar Kids. There, the second guardian can be deposited aufjedenfall.

Known competition RoboadvisorQuirion, scalable.capital have brought out their own, bevestor of the savings bank, etc.

Oskar at getquinVia transaction history you can download all buying and selling pdf. but then you have to upload them all at Getquin. This month alone there were 8 transactions for me. There I will not be ready. Please Getquin find a better solution. @Kundenservice

My personal experience: I use the Oskar 50 conservative portfolio since June 2020. Due to the market situation in 2020 and 2021 it made a return of 20%p.a. in each year. I originally started with a rate of x€ which I adjusted after a few months to x2€ and after the first rental income to x16€. In 2021 I took a part for my real estate purchase. In April I took out 10% to finance our Mauritius vacation with the money. In February I changed the rate to x11€ due to the current market situation. My current return: return simple 6.32% return time weighted 9.95%. In the meantime I have 9 people in my environment who use Oskar. I am honest, of course I did not choose tree premium but money premium. In my opinion Oskar is a good step towards first time investing and gaining experience in the market. For those who want to participate passively rather than actively in what is happening. And who can accept a small fee.

Thank you for your interest and your time. This post has been requested for a long time.


This post is not to be construed as an investment recommendation or an offer to buy or sell fund shares, securities and/or other financial instruments. i do not warrant the accuracy, completeness and/or timeliness of the information contained in this post. There are risks associated with investing. The value of your capital investment may fall or rise. Losses of the capital invested may occur. Past performance, simulations or forecasts are not a reliable indicator of future performance

Sources: www.oskar.de, and the Oskar whitepaper


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With this post I say goodbye from Thursday on vacation 👋
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I'm still reading and thanks already 😍. The paragraph directly under 'Oskar investment philosophy investment universe and investment product' looks like copy & paste (you suddenly talk about 'we') without a quote and at the beginning also something seems to be missing. Evtl directly fix 😘
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Provided we can get access at Oskar, we'll also see how we can tie it into Open Banking. :)
Super elaborate Aritkel. Thank you for this, but for me this product is out of the question simply because of the high costs. Since my ETF is 3-4x cheaper
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Very very elaborate post, respect for that. However, I find ALL Robo-Adviser absolutely unnecessary. The fees are 4x higher than a World ETF that you can just leave. Your return would be much better if you just get a MSCI World ETF...
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My eyes are burnt out. I'm going to assume it's worth a @ccf... have to look for new eyes now. 👀
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My ADHD is killing me at the length of the text uff. I find the fees quite high compared to the dull All World ETF, but still very interesting to read. @ccf 🚀
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nice post :)
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Interesting contribution, but with the Robos I always find that worthwhile itself mainly, if one had before everything with its bank advisor and now everything the Robo make wants, thus handsoff. If you do it yourself, it's always cheaper.

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