
Probably many of you know the German YouTube channel Finanzfluss. Thomas Kehl, who is the face of the channel, has written a book together with contributor Mona Linke and called it somewhat provocatively "The only book you should read about finance".

I have read the book and have to say that it meets exactly the expectations I had for this book. The personal belief that passive investing in an ETF world portfolio is the best thing that could happen to humanity is not only preached in the videos, but also in this book.

First, all topics related to finance are tackled. The most fundamental aspects are explained in a very understandable way. Starting with assessing one's own financial situation, figuring out one's savings rate, and comparing buying real estate vs. renting. Gradually, the reader is introduced to different types of investments, up to the ETFs, which are discussed most intensively.

I do not want to reproduce the content of the book, but I would like to give a brief assessment.


⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 4/5 stars

For someone who has already explicitly studied the stock market, this book will not contain anything new. Single stock or derivatives fans will not enjoy the book much either 😂.

However, this book brings everything worth knowing for someone who wants to start investing in the stock market or approach the subject. If you know someone who still needs to learn the basics, this book can be a potential gift to give that person an approach to responsible, diversified, passive investing.

As one would expect from the videos, there is very serious and rational discussion of finance and investing. Thus, Finanzfluss offers a trustworthy source for the German-speaking world when it comes to diversified investments. I personally think this is good 👍🏽 in the face of the risk averse German society this book offers good approaches to show the average citizen the possibilities of the stock market in a healthy risk-reward ratio


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This coincides with my classification of this book
I'm excited lies ready to read onm desk👍
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Thanks for your honest assessment ❤️
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@Stonksman1 like ❤️
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If you have no idea about the stock market, finance, etc., the €12 is the best investment to start with.
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Wat kostn der beating? 🥴
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He forgot the comma in the title. When you point it out to him, he goes completely bonkers.
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I've noticed that too. Have also found two errors in the book 😂
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Is there an audiobook for this? I'm too lazy to read 🙈🙈🙈
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@Ridick I don't know 😂 but that reads really easy
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@hendrik_lmr 12€ on Amazon that is a no brainer 👍
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Will I treat myself times👍
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@meta I buy it right away for everyone in my whole family... 🚀
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@meta then make them the reader ☺️
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