
⚠️ Defiance $UKW (-0.75%)
Sect: Majority of GetQuin users deny climate change ⚠️

This one is for the newbies here (in the financial world, on GetQuin and on the Internet)

What the heck has been going on this week?

GetQuin users start buying $UKW (-0.75%) and motivate other users to do the same. Is there a new $GME (-1.47%) underway, launched from a small Gallic village called GetQuin? Probably not. It's just a few users with a large reach buying shares in a small way $UKW (-0.75%) shares, but advertise this massively (without investment advice, of course). The only one who holds up the flag of reason is @leveragegrinding with his question, where this hype comes from: https://app.getquin.com/activity/mXNWRLmwQY

Let's jump back a few days. A jackass claims Lionel Messi is more polluting than $BTC (-0.16%) and lets the GetQuin community vote on reactions to this post. His perfidious plan? To intentionally mislead users. The frequently used 👍 reaction, which is gladly given without thinking (especially with well-known users from whom one is used to good content), stands for "Climate change is an invention of power-mad scientists". More than half of the users vote 👍down. So is the GetQuin community a collection of climate opponents, even though masses of $UKW shares are being bought? Probably not. But they are either very easily manipulated, don't read correctly but still have an opinion, or want to see the world burn by deliberately voting against their actual opinion.

To be read here https://app.getquin.com/activity/rUiilPZQlT , documented in the screenshots at this post (in case someone wants to change his reaction afterwards 😉).

Continuing with $GOOG (+0.1%) , which is known to win every vote, as by now not only @RoronoaZoro knows. Why? Because it's simply a damn good company. But what happens when you explicitly ask for the worst stock in a poll? Then wins $GOOG (+0.1%) wins, of course, as @RisingAktie has impressively proven (or is at least close to it, voting is still going on, intermediate status documented in the screenshot): https://app.getquin.com/activity/szxUFYFEWc . Again, this shows that often people just click on anything without even reading what it's about. Do you really want to leave the decision about your investments to such people?

And then there was @Abofahd7700 who was simply looking for someone to help him increase his money - of course against a generous commission of 40%. It came, as it had to come, some shitposter recommended (probably not meant quite seriously) All In $BTC (-0.16%) to go. A short time later the GetQuin portfolio of @Abofahd7700 a $BTC (-0.16%) share in @meta or @oliverplass amount of over 98%. Did he actually put everything into Bitcoin, even though his profile description says he is following in the footsteps of Warren Buffet? Possibly. Maybe not. But even if not, I have the impression that some newbies here blindly trust the community with their investment decisions.

You can find the corresponding post here https://app.getquin.com/activity/ZOwJqJQuiN and documented as screenshots in the attachment.

What does that mean for newcomers?

The magic word is DYOR - Do Your Own Research. Feel free to get inspired by the community, that's what GetQuin is for. But don't trust every troll on the internet when it comes to your investments (and not otherwise either). Even if he has a very trustworthy donkey profile picture. Some want to see the world burn (eg. @California_Dreamin ), many have no idea or dangerous half-knowledge and a lot simply do not read correctly, but still share their assessment.

Yes, finances are exhausting and for many just dry. But there you must unfortunately by. Question the "facts", consolidate demonstrably trustworthy sources and educate yourselves financially further (or buy in the emergency simply only $VGWL (-0.2%) - surefire tip from the donkey but no investment advice 😉). That's the only way you'll avoid losing money that you really shouldn't - be it through risky investments or inflation. And as soon as you feel safe and understand what you are doing, you can also sometimes with the community a $UKW (-0.75%) bet with the community or gamble on $BTC (-0.16%) gamble.



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Lucky. In none of the above votes liked or voted. Your contribution to Messi I have of course read completely and just felt the smiley completely inappropriate. Therefore rather equal nothing at all voted. 😇😅 Otherwise, you have, despite all the hilarity and fun remarks of course absolutely right: Do not give away money. Except to me. And if you invest money, inform yourself about the risks (and opportunities). Especially to $UKW these are important tips. For the rest, however, I don't think the company is fun or a stonk-to-the-moon investment or even a second Wirecard. The company is too niche for that, but also too serious. So as (almost) always applies: True words from a true ass! PS: For that you are on the way to the federal capital, quite a lot of TL;DR. 😘
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@InvestmentPapa Train was 40 minutes late but at least now I have a seat and time for such nonsense
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Thank god I didn't fall for any of the mentioned :D But as you will soon notice, the text is way too long for those who should be concerned and here again the usual suspects are reading :D
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@RoronoaZoro I should have perhaps included a vote 👍 I transfer you for your incredible intelligence my entire fortune
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@DonkeyInvestor HONORARY 🥕. Can you use this post as a greeting when registering new members @Kundenservice?
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@FrauManu thanks for the carrot. I can use in the train just really good
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@DonkeyInvestor whole bag would have been more appropriate 🥕. I have not really followed the BTC man, am just a bit scared that really people buy blindly 😵, and trust in someone who does not know. As if money grows on trees 🤦🏻‍♀️
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@getquin pretty much destroyed the post in the app. But it should fit now. If anything else seems strange to you, please let me know.
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@Kundenservice I had mentioned it before (and also provided videos) that the assignment of hashtags often destroys the post and / or editor. I had a similar phenomenon with this post with users I mentioned. Now this should be fixed so far, except for the mention of @leveragegrinding @oliverplass and @RisingAktie in the post. This looks as if they were correctly linked, but if you click on the users you land on posts. But now I'm also kind of afraid to edit my post again and break everything again. Pls fix it.
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Thanks for the contribution esel❤️
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@Koenigmidas please my king ❤️
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So I just want to see the world burn 🤪😂
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@Jenmadness but you post relatively little lately. Come on, show what you are made of!
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@DonkeyInvestor i just love hearing donkey's wisdom ❤️😂 my madness would just bring everything to a halt.
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@Jenmadness i'm into it when everything comes to a halt 🔥
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@DonkeyInvestor or simply "roast" a certain someone 🤪😂
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@Jenmadness I have no idea who you mean 😁
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Thanks for mentioning: ...many have no idea or dangerous half-knowledge... 😂 And you forgot something else:@Snice 😜🙈
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@six Should I add you to the post? 😁 I think the post would be too much to read for the good @Snice. But now he has the marker for all cases
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We are here anyway just a strange social experimsnt
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The financial world is new territory for all of us. Thank you donkey for guiding us through this maze of false financial gurus and BTC deniers. Greetings, one who wants to see the world burn
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Very nice contribution. Important words of warning! I've had that on Insta a lot too, with people writing, I bought everything like you, what should I do now. You can point it out however you like...
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Mom, I'm on TV 😂
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@ichbinnathan_ on Donkey TV
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I also asked 😐
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@Derebete as long as your posts don't contain the word "underpants", you're flying under the radar 😅
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@DonkeyInvestor eat my Shorts... *Bart Simpson*
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It's been around for a few thousand years, or is it climate zone shifts or maybe just pole shifts 🤔
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@Daniele5991 So you're one of them too
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@DonkeyInvestor of course it exists, but it has existed since the beginning of the earth and not just since industrialization.
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Is climate change or human influence being denied....?
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