
Invest like a #rockstar

Thank you for your attention and here we go:

Today I try you also times to introduce something. No shares, no building society, no Crypto ( sry for this lie unfortunately comes briefly NFTs)

At the request of various users I introduce Global Rockstar.

It's November 2019, I'm sitting on night duty with a well-known magazine in hand to get various investment ideas, as my portfolio still needs a bit of diversification. Short excursion in the same magazine was presented Fiverr of which I then bought at 19€ buy limit me what and last year in February at 265€ have sold.

The headline had of course my full attention: If one had only 1% of Edwards with the scissors hands songs shares one would have 2.3 million €. But what is it all about? And who makes such a thing possible? In short, no one, because all known artists have enough money and sponsors. However, Global Rockstars deals with this business model.

About Global Rockstars: Global Rockstar allows music fans to become "shareholders" of new hits, in return for 70 years of participation in their revenues from streams and radio stakes. The investments are used to optimize music productions and finance their marketing. Global Rockstar was founded by Christof Straub (the Elon Musk of the Austrian music scene).

Source: https://www.ots.at/presseaussendung/OTS_20201210_OTS0043/global-rockstar-2020-blitzstart-nach-2-minuten-2-millionen-und-erste-gewinne-fuer-musik-investorinnen-bild

Global Rockstar founded in 2014 to support independent players in the music industry. They connect artists with writers and producers, help with financing, distribute and promote worldwide. Their service allows fans to invest in singles by their favorite artists. In return, these fans receive proceeds from the commercial exploitation of the singles. Today, Global Rockstars is an artist-friendly digital record label that supports artists worldwide.

Due to the NFTs hype, everything was switched to MusikNFTs in 2022. Unfortunately, I can't tell you anything about that yet, since I still hold my shares in Boomer moderately. They are deposited on the Polygon Blockchain.

How do I invest: first search for current artists, listen to the music and decide for or against if there are still shares.

The info about the artists shows: how many shares there are, the name of the artist, the name of the song how long the investment window is open. In the details of course more: state of production price of NFTs how the investment is usedthe approximate number of streams on Spotify to offset the investment (most have the breakeven at 2Mio clicks) The rights you get. Preview of the enjoyment contract, who all is involved. Statistics on other previous productions

You can invest from 0.1% of the shares vary depending on the artist from 5€ depending on the previous success of the artist (note good artist expensive / bad artist cheap) and available shares, the highest amount per payment may be maximum 2500€. (partly the artists finance themselves to large parts and there are percentage shares on everything not yet financed eg 70% of the artists and 30% should be financed).

How to invest: if you are interested in an artist click the button Get your share. You can pay with credit cards, Klarna, Google Pay vouchers or with already received proceeds from 10 €.

When do I get my certificate/NFT: As soon as it ends and came about via email.

All contracts are stored in your own dashboard and can be viewed at any time.

There are 3 types of profit participation rights on these I do not go now make your own research in investments

Back to NFTs as I said I have not yet tried, but if you buy shares from 1% you get 10 music NFTs a 0.1% these can be traded as an auction or fixed price I find very Wyld but have not yet dealt with it.

How can I support my artist? Creates playlists, plays likes the songs and follows you, shares them on social media platforms.

The coveted artists are called headliners on the platform your investments are also marked with it.

You can participate not only in individual EP but also in whole albums is of course more expensive (is logical more on the ears).

When to expect the first income? The first income is transferred 4 months after the release date until Global Rockstar gets insight into the streaming stores. Can also be collected depending on the streaming store so first payments only after 6,9,or 12 months.

How much do I earn per stream? The income varies between 0,0024€ and 0,0112€.

Is streaming a growing business? Music streaming generated more than €11 billion in 2020 and is expected to grow by another €6.5 billion by 2025.

If you have further questions do not contact me but Office@globalrockstar.com

In addition to the great opportunities, investments in music always carry risks. No one can predict with certainty whether a song will become a hit. For this reason Global Rockstar recommends its users to spread their investments over several songs or artists.

My personal experience: in Decmber 2019 I wanted to make my first investment, however there was some mistake I could not reach the support. But the king was hot and wanted to put coal in. So I gathered my courage and just sent the CEO a Facebook friend request to then inform him that his fucking support could not be reached. He didn't respond, however I was able to invest after that and we are still friends on Facebook to this day.

Conclusion: currently I have 337€ since 2019 in 24 different songs ballert but only 120€ so far rausbekommen runs fortunately 70 years.

My top investment currently is the song One Step Closer by Felicia LU.

For a Zock with entertainment factor you can take a look at Global Rockstar. Unless you have musical ear and had not only a 4 in the report.

Our Austrian Getquin members surely know more of the artists there, otherwise there are rather nobodies and newcomers, former DSDS participants or ESC applicants. You will hardly find a Rihanna or a Madonna there.

Do you want to invest like a rock star? Then follow not your Dreams and follow me on Getquin. Or have a look at Globalrockstar.com by!!!

Source: Globalrockstars.com

When finding spelling and grammatical errors ........never mind. It depends on the message.....


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Are there also German rappers? There are enough who are not good and still become successful 😂.
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Cool, new opportunity to invest. For that a @ccf. Have deselected music after the 5th grade, will rather not invest 😬
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I would have invested in PSY once 💀
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Very interesting, did not know that such a thing exists! @ccf Thank you ☺️ wild Facebook story 💀
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Very interesting! I'm into such "niche investments" and find it exciting what all can be monetized as a community 😇@ccf
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Wow. Much more interesting than the next "Bitcoin all in" or "Tesla will soon make another twelve trillion in returns".
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Really an interesting thing, but I don't know if you can consider this a "real investment". 70 year contracts sound good at first, but you have to consider several factors: 1: How does the streaming fee develop with the providers 2: How well known will the artist be 3: How long will the song be listened to. A 70 year contract is only worth something if the song is also listened to for 70 years. If that is the case with a song, then you have probably invested in the new Michael Jackson. In my opinion, this is not an investment that is supposed to run for a long time. In order to get many streams, you have to produce for the algorithm and be as suitable for the masses as possible. The problem is that the music is therefore inevitably not very different from each other. So newcomers have it even harder, because they have no reach and offer in principle nothing different than the known artists - and even there is the question of how many artists of the last 10 years we actually still hear their initial songs? It's certainly a funny thing and a little bet can be fun (even if it is not crowned with success in the end), but I do not know if I could consider it a full-fledged "asset class". ✌️
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Certainly quite funny and ne good thing to support musicians. As an investment but nothing for me (risk-reward rather difficult) 😅
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Eh things are... @ccf and thanks for the introduction
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In fact, I already looked at Global Rockstars 2019/2020 and I faced exactly the same problem as you 😂. I wanted to buy 1% of Anna-Sophie's song - Attack without Warning, I already liked the song extremely well. At that time she was still quite unknown and now the song alone has almost 2 million views, she has 200k monthly listeners on Spotify, well, too bad 😁🇦🇹 but I finds quite cool, maybe I'll try my luck again. Here the meant song: https://open.spotify.com/track/205g2VGpNRUx3Cp5b8zSvc?si=po6_ptTGSpaZa7C6vVQxMg

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