
Lately I see it in one or the other place that quite sometimes comments or posts are written in a condescending tone. Is perhaps due to the current market situation, the red depots and our increasingly blunted emotions by the stock market. How does love feel again? 😐

I see here sometimes from individuals that strategies or investment decisions are absolutely put down. And don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan of constructive criticism, open exchange and honesty too. You don't have to approve or understand every decision, I don't expect you to.

What I'm trying to say is that the stock market is not black and white. We are all such different people with different goals and views.

For example, 80% of my capital is in a conservative, boring All World ETF and yet I once blew some money on an Nvidia lever and maybe....maybe it won't be the last time 😶 I've been stocking my ETFs for several years and would like to hold them for many decades to come and yet I threw out one of my individual stocks at a loss (only had to sell my kidney for it to get by financially. Donor kidney reflink in my bio). I look at stocks from a fundamental point of view and still try to learn chart analysis on top (quote. @leveragegrinding : "Can you actually read numbers????"). You can't pigeonhole any of us.

Of course, the stock market is a place where most of us want to build wealth over the long term. But for me and for many of you - I think - the stock market is additionally a hobby and hobbies are supposed to be fun. That means that you can try things out, change your mind, learn a lot of new things, make a mistake or two and then have to bear the consequences. We are adults and can cope with that. Only by making your own experiences can you find what suits you personally and what makes you happy in the long term.

I think we all know what the statistics look like regarding outperformance of the market. But I would say that only a few of us will follow such a classical strategy all our lives or always act rationally. So why to plead for certain principles, if they do not correspond to the image of the normal investor anyway? Where do I get the right to judge or target a person if I know nothing about their risk tolerance, their preferences, their financial situation, their age or their thoughts? Why do I have to immediately badmouth something if it doesn't fit into my own world view?

I agree that it is important to teach certain basics, as well as do's and don'ts, especially to newcomers to the stock market. Of course, you can also raise your finger and criticize certain behaviors that are rather counterproductive on the stock market ( @TheAccountant89 you're doing a good job, I understand you completely 😉 ). Nevertheless, I sometimes wish for more tolerance here. Just because someone pursues a different strategy than you or makes a decision that you would not make so yourself, it does not mean that you have to make them directly madig, the person itself must insult or must present itself as something better. Criticism is, as I said, perfectly fine, as long as it is expressed appropriately. And even sarcasm or jibes I see there relaxed, you have to take sometimes with humor. I'm not even about the expression itself (I hold out something, do not worry 🤡) but to be more open and more relaxed with other approaches ("How you do no Buy & Hold / sell your ETF / change your mind???"👀).

We are all in the same boat after all and somehow just want to make money or make more out of it. So let's just let people do what they want with their money without getting half a collapse right away. In 30 years we will drink a mojito together on our yacht or something. I'll buy you a drink.


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Who has already bought an Nvidia lever? before someone else does and since this is now a popular sport. @ccf
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Plead guilty and vow to do better! 🙏🏻
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Beep beep beep we love each other (almost) all
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... and I notice again positively that you ask in many posts of newcomers who inquire here what to invest in, which brokers are recommended, etc., first about the strategy, goals, investment horizon, etc. 👍🏻 Personally, by the way, I would still wish in answering the "broker question", not to assume across the board that everyone here comes from Germany (even if it would probably be purely statistically already times more than 80%!). As an Austrian / Swiss or otherwise taxable investor, there are some other conditions that must be considered here, in addition to the pure fee and offer topic.
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@Lorena for InvestmentMama 💖
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Cuba Libre bitte 🍹@ccf
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Feel pressed ❤️
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In 10 years you'll find me on the dinghy of the yacht, you could let me down by pulley a few lifestyle drinks 🥴 The condescending tone I have honestly not so mitgekriegt, or I'm just too jaded. I mean in the end it's the cash that someone else puts in or sinks somewhere and you just have to justify to yourself there. Maybe some have too much conviction and then want to talk others into their investment because they have blinders on. Who knows. Just block and that's it. However nice words, but now raise your hands weekend 🌝 @ccf 🚀
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As we had already written: Typical German halt. He does it differently than I do, so it's bad. Best ❤️
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