
New trend seems to be posts away from investments so I jump on times:

Vacations are not expensive when you go together with friends

For every week in which my deposit was more than 5% in the minus, I go on a vacation (🌝).

If this is over, I write down all the costs here.

This post will be updated

Am btw student and get no money for it from my parents, so no flex, except regarding vacation days👀.

Vacation 1 / Hiking / 5 days

Apartment share 117€

Food 90€

Other. 60€



Have not even looked at courses, is incredibly relaxing, I can recommend



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@ccf because the mountains are the only thing that is currently green👀
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When do the walks? Maybe I'll come by. I recognize you by your helmet.
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Vacation 1 - very important to emphasize! Vacations 2, 3 and 4 follow consequently still
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Karwendelspitze? Great! In the brewery up there I wanted to invest times. 😂 Have fun! And good rest!
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Karwendelspitze? Great! In the brewery up there I wanted to invest times. 😂 Have fun! And good rest!
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Exactly my mountains 🥰 hope you have a good time
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Western Karwendelspitze just around the corner from me. I would say yes come by, but I'm not there unfortunately. But nice there, relaxing vacation .
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Have fun hiking
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A much better choice than currently throwing it into the market. Have fun and recover well Helmuth 🚀
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