
We start the day once again with an investment theme 👩‍🎓👩‍💻

And it's something that goes pretty much back to basics. I was asked yesterday what you actually need to think about before one invests.

These are a few things that came to mind (feel free to add more in the comments):

  • Financial goals: Think about what your short and long term financial goals are and what investments best align with those goals.

  • Investment horizon: Think about how long you want to invest your money -> do you have a certain "due date" at which you need it or is it intended as a retirement plan (again, the investment horizon is relevant. After all, it makes a difference if you are only 24 or already 62 😅).

  • Risk vs. reward: Consider the potential rewards and risks of the investment types and think about how much risk you are willing to take without "sleeping badly" because of your investment.

  • Investment options: Educate yourself about different investment options (stocks, bonds, mutual funds, real estate, etc.) to determine what fits your investment horizon, risk tolerance, and knowledge level (or your willingness to invest time in learning about and engaging with the investment)

  • Market trends: Find out about market trends and conditions depending on the type of investment you have previously chosen. Be aware of how each situation may affect your investment decision. Also consider how often your investment decision requires monitoring market trends (see Time Investment item).

  • Investment fees: No matter how well your investment performs, fees can greatly reduce profits. Therefore, when choosing a broker, make sure that the broker's fee structure matches your investment type and keep an eye on the possible costs of your invention that can reduce your return (TER, order fees, taxes, etc.).

  • Diversification: Never lump everything together to avoid lumped risk. This reduces risk and can increase your potential returns. (Putting everything into one stock tends not to be a good idea - unless you have inside information through your personal oracle or thanks to your palm reading skills and know that the stock will go through the roof tomorrow - then go for it. -> not investment advice!!! 🥸)

  • Get some professional advice: You have no idea about nothing? Then get professional advice on various platforms. Some stock market guru can certainly help you make your second million. (Also no investment advice!). Or: You inform yourself about the basics, because that's all it takes to get started. Look through the community here (because there are really mega instructive posts here), watch videos on Youtube (I really like e.g. Finanzfluss, Madame Moneypenny etc.), read blogs, listen to podcasts or get a book about investing. The safest and most popular advice here will probably be: Just start with 25€ in an all-world ETF and slowly get used to the idea and feeling of now being an "investor" in the stock market. 🤟

  • Don't try to convince others who just don't want to invest: I know it's an awesome feeling to own your first stock/ETF or co. But now to go around in the circle of acquaintances and get everyone to the stock market and force them to their happiness, unfortunately will not work. Save your nerves - talk about it with the people who show interest and especially don't let them talk you out of it if you're still at the beginning (everyone knows the Telekom stock story). 😅



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@Der_Dividenden_Monteur In my opinion, such a thing belongs to be immediately wiped out, who can be paid 5,000 € for a ETF course in a group can only have been rocked too close to the wall as a child ...
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@Der_Dividenden_Monteur Yes, actually I find that also quite expensive... especially for those who already have debts and to which the course is also partly directed... What I find a pity, because I really like their content. I find you get everything you need for free with her, without being dependent on the course.
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What?! Who pays so much money for a course?! Ask me what is told there? The matter is really not that difficult. There are rip-offs on every corner!
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@GordonGekko83 In principle, I can understand the need for "guidance" and "course", if you do not know so at all - possibly also a more personal coaching. But now really not for the price (in my opinion). The setup was definitely exhausting at times, but it is and remains a group course and this will be repeated. I also think it is a lot of money for it. Everything up to 1000€ I could still understand - depending on personality level and content also more or even less.
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@DieFinanzchaotin Okay, that may be that some need it. But the most important thing is to start investing actively. There no blah-blah brings something. It is the same with the realization of losses. Some do not dare to do that and wait until the position is back in the plus, which may not happen at all. Most of the things you learn in practice. That was and will always be the case.
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@DieFinanzchaotin Ufff, that's really intense. Heard a lot about her, but that the courses are brought for so much coal among the women is new to me. I would be interested to know how high the proportion of women in such courses is? Probably 95%, 95% who want to be taken by the hand to go through the stock market jungle, because they themselves do not trust it, have self-doubt and generally think that the stock market is more a man's thing. In my environment, I know no woman who has anything to do with the stock market, and if I'm honest, was also pretty beaten by the input in the beginning, because you could not see the forest for the trees. But I would never have come up with the idea to take such a course and then even for so much 💸!
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@GordonGekko83 Yes, I agree that you are absolutely right and I am also rather "a doer" and just try. But that's not everyone and many (especially women) dare to do so only after instruction. Therefore, I simply do not condemn anyone who needs such a course as a start. But just up to a certain price.@FrauManu Of course, the share of women in the course is 100%... is specifically for women. I think generally there is also the better earnings, because women as you say, there not quite so self-confident and cautious go there. That you can make more money than with men is absolutely clear and not so stupid. But as I said - for so much I find it also hefty (and yes, I knew before that it is actually quite expensive). In itself, I find courses as support for complete beginners, which are well and structured, with individual touch, also not so bad.
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I would be interested to know if the ladies of society actually want/need special advice, perhaps simply feel more comfortable when women instead of men consult them.
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@Qheherain Do not really need, but feel more comfortable, because many women have even less willingness to take risks and self-confidence than some men (Of course, there are exceptions). What do you mean when women instead of men consult?
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Pay off consumer debt, if any, and build up a nest egg so that you don't have to nibble away at your investment in times of need. So as a preparation :)
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One should also always consider an exit strategy, when is the time at which I go out of all assets Rausgehe or must go out. With the asset classes would also be the question of whether one would like to invest only in sustainability or in companies that write this on the flag. In advance also times bzgl. how are profits to be taxed or how do I make loss offsets (taxes count for me not only as investment fees)
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With stocks, remember, you're buying into a real company, not just a piece of paper with a number on it
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Good post 👍
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What about choosing a nice logo from the company you invest in? Why is the item not listed there? 😔
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Sorry for the appearance of the post 😅.. that was actually formatted when writing. I'll have to take another look at that. 😆
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@DieFinanzchaotin It's because of the bullets of @getquin, they don't seem to work, I've already read somewhere today
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@DieFinanzchaotin I have already reported this to customer service. Use paragraphs instead of bulleted lists.
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@RoronoaZoro @TradingMelone Is a today's bug in the browser and already in processing. About the app works... I'll edit it right away. And @TradingMelone: yes, they already know that. 😄 Only I did not know it yet. 😂
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@oliverplass Why? It's the most sensible thing to do if you haven't made up your mind yet, if you're not sure what to do, etc. I write that you should just start - with €25 (because that usually doesn't hurt so much) to get used to the feeling of buying shares and ETFs. I started that way too and know the feeling of uncertainty only too well. No one in my family was investing at the time. I was scared. So I just bought some and then some and so on ... I found that exciting and got more and more involved with it and so the monthly rate has grown from 25€ to 1050€ in the meantime. I would never have invested so much right from the start and didn't know what to invest in.
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@oliverplass PS: apart from the comment here, I find your posts by the way pretty cool and your page just awesome made. 🤟 I did not know before.
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@oliverplass Thanks for the link :) Your opinions I find quite interesting and many points justified, even if I do not quite agree with your conclusion / conclusion. Either because I think directly too pessimistic, more optimistic or more realistic in some points (this is probably a matter of judgement). :D But cool contribution! Should take into account in his considerations.
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