
The Savings Plan!

"Who is the savings plan?"

"The savings plan was our tax man,

he held out until he won the pension,

he saved us, he wears the crown,

he saved for us, our love his reward.

The savings plan."

The deposit flies along the stock market,

turmoil foams around the deposit like flakes of snow;

from youth it flies to retirement -

but the hearts are free and glad,

and the passenger (with children and wife)

in the twilight already looks the shore

and chatting to the savings plan

steps all: "How far still, helmsman?"

The looks ahead and looks in the round:

"Thirty more years ... 360 months."

All hearts are happy, all hearts are free -

it sounds like a cry from the news,

"War! Recession! Inflation!" was what it sounded like,

a smoke came out of the cabin and hatch,

a smoke, then flames ablaze,

and still twenty years until the pension.

And the depot owners, colorfully mixed,

At the bowsprit they stand huddled together,

At the bowsprit in front is still green and plus,

but at the helm it's reddish,

And a wail is heard, "Where are we? Where?"

And still 15 years until the pension. -

Hope grows, but the economy stands still,

the captain peers at the helm,

he no longer sees his helmsman,

but through the mouthpiece he asks:

"Still there, savings plan?"

"Yes, sir. I am."

"To the beach! To retirement!"

"I'm holding out for it."

And the ship's people cheer, "Hold out! Hello!"

And ten more years to retirement. - -

Still there, savings plan?" And the answer resounds

in a dying voice: "Yes, sir, I'll keep it!"

And into the surf, what a cliff, what a rock,

he chases the "depot" right into the middle of it.

If salvation is to come, it comes only in this way.

Salvation: the pension is the reward!

The depot is saved. Fear disappears.

All saved. Only one is missing!

All bells go; their tones swell

from churches and chapels,

A tinkling and a ringing, otherwise the city is silent,

a service only it has today:

Tens of thousands of euros follow or more,

and not an eye in the wake, that tearless.

They press the sell button at the bank,

with yields they close the sale,

and with golden writing in the marble stone

the investor inscribes his saying of thanks:

Here rests the savings plan! In inflation and war

he held the wheel firmly in his hand,

he saved us, he wears the crown,

he died for us, our love his reward.

The savings plan."

Freely adapted from Theodor Fontane (The Ballad of John Maynard)

Remember: Remain reverent, but do not be fearful. In dark night, even the brightest star shines.


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I hated this poem in school. So much so that I still know it by heart for the most part today 🤦🏼‍♂️😂
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First flashbacks to German lessons 😂👍
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Poetry in the late evening
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Why is the text littered with LSEP Symbols? Must have been Apple technology or the evil hedges 😡
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I want to be able to save contributions And additionally: https://app.getquin.com/activity/DqAnbPdvDC
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InvestementPapa 🤝 PoemPapa
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Very very horny🤣🤣👏🏻
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❤️ very nice. Calls for another variant: a terrible ballad on leverage or on crypto.🤪 Maybe this one by Fontane: "nur einer kam heim aus Afghanistan?" I like to write poetry with 😂 https://de.m.wikisource.org/wiki/Das_Trauerspiel_von_Afghanistan_(Fontane)
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