Market Opinion for Worldwide
🐻 Bearish

Create and let create. Or something like that.

I've been hanging out on this app for a while. I've seen a few come and go. But at the moment I feel like I'm on Facebook, which I left a long time ago.

Everyone thinks they have to vent their frustrations everywhere.

Some think they are the best investor with their only World-ETF portfolio.

Others believe that highly paid analysts have no idea and others believe that there is only one stock that will outperform everything. Even that everything is a bubble happens sometimes.

Questions/portfolios from newbies are dissected as if they have committed a mortal sin.

They are treated disparagingly. Unless it's someone female of course ;)

Some believe there is only their opinion and everyone else is wrong.

Woe betide you if you deviate from the standard and try out derivatives. The portfolios are almost all the same and you believe that you would be better than others.

Proper German, that is.

And then wonder why no one wants to invest.

You can set the alarm clock after that, as soon as a Finfluencer holds a share for the racer, that this appears here increasingly.

Objective discussions have not been held here for a long time.

Mostly there is only a SOS without justification.

Some also believe that dividends are bad and believe that buybacks would be better for their growth stocks. That this serves in part to compensate for "stock inflation" is skillfully ignored.

One is also apparently not allowed to invest in dividend stocks below 500k portfolio value.

Times the search exert and after vllt already times a asked question after the soil of PayPal to look, is many probably already too much. Which, by the way, was at 200€, 170€, 150€ and 100€, if you can believe what you do here.

Also in what is invested, is criticized. Then just someone wants to invest in Gazprom, as long as he is happy with it? I invest in armor, just has to do with my profession. Doesn't that make me a bad person?

Just because someone supports electric mobility, isn't it his fault that children in South America or Africa have to mine the raw materials?

This app has not been what it should be for a long time. It's really just one more depot roast and accumulation of the same questions. The bugs aren't necessarily getting any better either. Today I seem to have sold everything?

GQ is only kept alive by a few and they try to keep people with the CCF.

Here I would like to ask people like @InvestmentPapa and @TheAccountant89 for example. These deliver what is expected here. The Dad the objective criticism with arguments and the Shy Accountant good analysis. @Lorena is also everywhere with it.

Of course, a few others! These but as an example.

Therefore again:

Invest and let invest. Everyone is responsible for his own money and does not need to be discredited just because he does something different. And if he asks for an opinion, then just stay objective and help.


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yaaaaaaa word! That's it. Laissez-faire. And now we all cuddle. @ccf - ah and by the way, I was taken apart at the PayPal sale anyway, despite my gender :P Ouch :'(
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Thank you for the post. Absolutely true words.
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Honestly so, I think positive vibes are more important than ever😅 So everyone stay cool and fair ❤️❤️
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Well, the air is out... It no longer presses at the weekend... But I agree with you especially for your final sentence
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So so bad poste I hardly get with. But I am always for constructive criticism. But for the reason I also withdraw more and more from FB the German groups are there very negative and complaining ... But there I'm happier with the English groups that are also far from friendly.
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A good and true contribution. Thank you for it.
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This is the same on the Internet, as in real life. Envy is everywhere and people who talk everything bad, no matter what you do or say! The most important thing is that you remain true to yourself and your principles. Good post & lots of positive vibes in the community! 😎
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Have logged in again for a long time... has become very confusing here... good post but 🚀❤️
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I find my content top
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