
Since I've seen a lot of very young users here lately I wanted to share some uncomfortable facts so no one invests with false hopes.

Investing will not make you rich. (statistically speaking)

I mean rich here not in the spiritual sense like your yoga teacher. But the top 0.1% of the wealth pyramid are meant. Now some will surely say, 0.1% is already very far up, to get into the top 1% is enough for them. Well that is naturally simpler, but who connects with wealth a paid off house and some hundred thousand in fixed assets? Just nobody.

Wealth is represented to the public by opulent estates, expensive cars, yachts and private flights. The top 1% starts at about €1.3 million. For the 0.1% it needs already 4-5 million € and upward. Now I could calculate why you can't / shouldn't own a Lambo, a 20m yacht and a plane with these assets. But like most people on Insta you could rent / charter these things. So where is the problem now?

Well I guess you don't want to wait 40+ years. If you have 10k starting capital at 18 and invest 1k per month as a savings rate with 7% pa it will take >27 years to 1m and >45 years to 4m and then the tax office will come and deduct your taxes for the sale. Surely you could "simply" save more or have more initial capital. The question is how realistic is that on average? Exactly, not really realistic. Individuals will make it, of course, but not everyone. This has not only to do with how hard you try but also who you are and where you come from. Of the 1.5% of the population with assets >€1 million, only 6% live in eastern Germany, 14% have a migration background and 31% are women. At 73%, the majority of working millionaires are self-employed.

It could be countered that low wealth and low income / savings rate can be compensated by higher risk, as this would allow for higher returns. Of course, a 2010 investment in Bitcoin can bring you huge profits with little investment in a relatively short time. Doge or Shiba would be further (terrible) examples. But you also have to ask yourself at what point does investing stop and where does gambling begin. With a lottery ticket you can also make a huge profit in a short time, does that make it an investment? No.

What is now my message, investing is stupid, head in the sand and bang out all the money? Not at all, it is more about having realistic expectations. Because if you start with wrong expectations and at some point you realize that Lambos and yachts are not going to work out, you will stop your savings plan instead of going through with it.

If you constantly pursue realistic goals, you might end up achieving more than you thought at the beginning, even if it's "just" a few more years of retirement.

For those who are not yet in the working world I have attached a video preview. Maybe just retiring earlier is a bit more attractive then.


Source of the wealth data: https://www.diw.de/sixcms/detail.php?id=diw_01.c.793802.de


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Really a super Beitrag☺️👍 I myself do not really want to be rich,😂 am satisfied with my life ☺️ invest to have more free time in the future, real wealth is free time you have for yourself😁👍, want to reduce the working time in a few years and compensate with dividends 😂 and hope to live on dividends at 50 and only work when I want 😁
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"I can't tell you how to get rich quick; but I can tell you how to get poor quick: namely, by trying to get rich quick." André Kostolany
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@DurableInvestor82 Yes, there is something to it XD
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Word. And at the moment we are simply in a market where almost everything is rising. If that really changes or it even comes to a sustained bear market, some will certainly lose the desire. I do not exclude myself of course, because I have never experienced something like this and do not know if I can handle it at all 🤷‍♂️ I just want to invest to be a little more carefree in my old age, maybe look for a job somewhere as a porter at 55 and have a quiet retirement. barrier open barrier closed unso
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Amen brother 🙏
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Thank you! Finally someone slams the salmon on'n table ... When I already read posts on Sunday from young fortune seekers who are looking forward to Monday when the stock exchanges open again, then you realize with what unrealistic expectations here some go. The stock market certainly makes you rich and crypto makes you super rich.
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I invest because with me the money is over and I do not put it currently senseless in car or real estate. I also have savings rates, but also the smile of my girlfriend is important to me, for example, the perfect date, ... as a number on the account. I also invest in my human capital and my nerves and do not look closely at every penny. Saving and frugality yes, small beer and enjoy life now but also. Education and training, nice greetings from the university
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Sorry bro, but I can't stand that much realtalk. I'm here to disconnect from reality, here I am someone, this "drive who always takes the stupid levers, makes an ass of himself in the comments, hahaha, yes drive, haha." ... You took away my fantasy of being someone, I'm afraid I'm going to have to block you. No one gets to take away my fantasy.... This post just takes me different hopps. /s 🤡
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@leveragegrinding Notification was probably lost sry. I had also seen, think the both get over it.
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@leveragegrinding was safe not meant, but the Marco has just thick thick balls that the dare here. I celebrate that, so without sarcasm. Everyone should do what he wants.
Important contribution, really great that you did that 👍 Most "normal" people manage with the invest "only" to supplement their pension and after 45 + years of ackern not have to choose between living and eating (and so they will have a better life than many others) . To be clear about it is important
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@FirstPancake I don't know about you, but I find that very reassuring. In the end, that would be enough for me. The certainty of being able to just relax and call it a day at ~60 would be great.
@CMustermann I think so, too. In my bubble, however, that doesn't really seem to be the driving force. Slow but steady (and safe) wealth creation is rather the exception. It's all about getting as much as possible as fast as possible, no matter what the risk (and I don't even hang out on msw and wsb that often).
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@FirstPancake Interesting bubble you have there. I am definitely the only one who invests in any way. My work colleague stood at my table on Friday and wanted to know how he could get rid of his few hundred euros in cryptos because it was "too much work".
@CMustermann 😂😂😂😅
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Thanks for the post👍 Something like this is also important
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"What really matters in life is friends...friends with money" -Kawus Kalantar
Oh man, if ne double subscription function would give, I would subscribe you 2x. Class contribution, which speaks to me from the soul. What's the point of living a stingier life and having 1 million in your bank account if you get a cancer diagnosis and die? That's why I do the mixed growth/dividend strategy. 500 Euro dividends in the active phase of life make a difference in the standard of living (apartment, vacation, leisure, car, consumption). 1000 Euro dividends in the passive phase of life make a huge difference. That is why I always advocate the use of passive income. One lives now.
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@TopperHarley I think my yoga teacher would say that the path is the goal or something. But as you say, absolutely right, there's no point in being the richest person in the cemetery.
I'll just quote from the Gerd Kommer blog because I don't want to check the source :) "One of the most readable financial advice book authors, William Bernstein, once put this fact nicely and succinctly: "The point of investing [for households] is not to get rich, but not to die poor" (Bernstein 2009, p. 48)." (https://www.gerd-kommer-invest.de/wie-wird-man-richtig-reich/)
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@stonkswemil The combo of investing and high-performing job/self-employment makes it
Prince of zimbabwe is already a legend. Too bad he doesn't upload anything anymore. The stuff with honkler are the best
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Nice post, I also see investing only as a way of long term passive income. If you want more there must be other income streams. In the end it makes the sum.💸
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At 38, am I still young enough to be meant here?
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@CryptoPfand Of course, anyone who invests in cryptocurrencies is biologically at least 10 years younger anyway.
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@Maxgibtalles @Kundenservice @getquin Please filter the links.
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@Europoor Especially as the account with the @ has already been blocked. So it must be a new account with the same @😤


@Kundenservice I hereby voluntarily apply officially as a chat moderator, because you are obviously too shy to ask me🧐
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@getquin Filtering or blocking the worst pages and keywords directly is probably the only long-term solution :/
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@getquin the account has actually already been deleted - we'll take another look :)
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@getquin no, not as far as I know - as I said, I forwarded it to our technicians... :) he'll take care of it-
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@Europoor but you can delete the comment yourself for now :)
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@Kundenservice Ah I hadn't seen that yet, thanks :)
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@44Goon Thank you, the video is a good analysis.
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@Finanzielle_Intelligenz You can/should also read a lot in the crypto sector before investing money. I'll write something about that soon.
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@Eochaid True, even those who don't sell anything directly earn money from the attention, e.g. via YouTube. But of course that's a whole different world than directly ripping off your fans.
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@Eochaid Yes, I find the folios quite dubious.
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