
GetQuin sent me an email asking me to share my portfolio. I'll do that then.

Before you take a look at my portfolio, I would like to say a few words about my strategy: The various stock market games, among others with. @Dividente , have shown me that it is smart to put all your eggs in one basket for the best possible return. After all, I'm still young and can make up for a few price fluctuations later and consequently take more risk. That's what the guys from Mauerstrasse recommended to me.

I was also inspired by the $UKW (+0.75%) sect here on GetQuin, which favors investments in environmentally friendly companies. With my investment in a bike rental company, I can do my part and sleep soundly - the future will be great!

Speaking of bicycles: Very strongly represented are the $TSLA (-0.7%) fans like @svenleowe on GetQuin, who focus on environmentally friendly locomotion and are successful with it. I'm going one better with my portfolio.

In addition, I have learned here, among others from @California_Dreamin that it also depends on the logo. I don't think there is a company with a prettier logo.

In the end I have to thank @InvestmentPapa who gave me the courage to go All In with his investment advice and tips ❤️. Thanks a lot

Now you know my strategy. What do you think of my portfolio?

[Edit] Resolution: https://app.getquin.com/activity/ubEGtopedN

Check out my Dashboard now!

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Now that I know how bad you are,the next round 🥂❄️👯‍♀️ is on the house 😂
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@Barsten He who laughs last, laughs best!
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It was different... "He who laughs last, laughs hardest!" The donkey can't even manage that. 😬🥕
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Old swede what cojones 💪😁 Most want here to the Moon, And the donkey puts one on and goes directly "to the Uranus"💪😁
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@Simpson thank you 😘
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I like that you don't have any broken pieces in the depot - keep it up, because it's good 🤝♥️
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@tommycash Thank you, your feedback is very important to me!
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Far too high EU share 😜
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@six What would you recommend outside the EU?
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@DonkeyInvestor I don't know much about it. Possibly some China Coin 🤷🏻‍♂️
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@six What do you think of 10% $BABA and 10% $DONK?
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@DonkeyInvestor would not over diversify. 50% the EU and 50% the DONK 👍
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@six Thank you!
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What the donkey is that?
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@GoDividend my depot?!
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@GoDividend am also confused
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@DonkeyInvestor Denmark and bicycles 😅🤔
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@Koenigmidas Never been to Denmark? There are plenty of donkeys on bicycles there
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@DonkeyInvestor you never invite me🤔
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@Koenigmidas plans for tomorrow? Meeting point $DONKEY Headquarters
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I call @tim1 in attack mode! Come on, § 187 Var. 1 StGB! Attack! ☄️
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@InvestmentPapa Do I have to google it now 😳? I'm scared
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@DonkeyInvestor Could it be that the donkey is now making a case for BGB §104 para. 2, @tim1?! Will he get away with it? 🤯
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@InvestmentPapa I am a sweet donkey. I can get away with anything
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@DonkeyInvestor "Too much attention makes a donkey think it's a lion." 🦁 🥕 😛
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@InvestmentPapa yes, those arrogant gold donkeys next door who think they're crypto donkeys just because I'm next door really get on my nerves too
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@DonkeyInvestor My condolences to you... you are a victim of your success. 🤧 😭
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@InvestmentPapa @DonkeyInvestor you are both my § 1040 BGB 🥰
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@InvestmentPapa oh and the 104 has no paragraphs but numbers. Back to the first semester 😂
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@tim1 🏫 🏃🏻‍♂️ 💨 📚
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@tim1 you are so romantic
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Some donkeys just want to see the world (donkey pasture) burn.
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@Der_Dividenden_Monteur I hate these cash cows too.
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Your depot has inspired me, I'll get in on the next donkey crash
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@Value_Dividend_Investor great, I'm pleased
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Very cool 🤣 , just typical Donkey 🤡
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@FrauManu So that's a good thing?
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@FrauManu What would you do differently? Possibly 10% in $DONK?
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@FrauManu but then what, please???
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@DonkeyInvestor I'm going to have a beer now 🍺 I'll think about it in the meantime...;-)
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@FrauManu thank you, your opinion is very valuable to me
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@DonkeyInvestor the donkey has just replaced his entire portfolio from last week for the donkeys. Where have all the ETFs gone???
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@FrauManu @InvestmentPapa had recommended that I go all in. And of course I did
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Age.... are you a northern light ?

My greatest respect... I will not bow ..... for fear of the Saxon Paule ... 😱

But.... Hallelujah....... and you really only invested 5 euros like .... oh what's the freak's name.... abbreviation.... wb 😀

Nah, you can't complain
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@Souli1984 Your comment is just as confusing as my post.
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@DonkeyInvestor Are you sober?
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@Souli1984 I am the Northern Lights
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@Leuchtturm yes and are YOU sober?

What's going on? I don't understand.....
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@Souli1984 was full yesterday, sobering up today.
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@DonkeyInvestor and how does that make you feel? 🤪🤪🤪🤪

Wouldn't you rather lift one again?

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@Souli1984 only with you 🥰
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@DonkeyInvestor I knew it with drippel H.... here we go......
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@DonkeyInvestor What are we drinking now?
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@DonkeyInvestor don't be shy
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Fake news! or maybe the company belongs to the donkey... 🫣
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