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The value of comments. Or "How do I behave when there are opposing opinions?"

I've just had a bit of a sour note here, so I ask for your understanding and apologies for having to let loose a few words now.🤯

Is this now fashion that one deletes disagreeable comments on depots? I mean, who knows me knows that I like to give many and especially hopefully often useful tips. I try honestly.😐

Sometimes it succeeds, sometimes not.

That "we" are not always on the same wavelength, that happens. That we don't see eye to eye on a strategy...that happens. 🤫

But please please do not ask publicly for opinion on your portfolio or investment decision and then deleted at "Not in the own world view suitable answers."😒

By the way, a greeting goes to the person who may feel addressed. I see that you have visited my profile, my smiley is also still under your post ... you can not delete namely: 🆘

In this sense:

Either you get along with justified and justified criticism or you block the one. ✋

However, deleting someone's comment for no reason, which involves work and time, is neither adult nor decent. Especially not when I ask you again why and whether you deleted a comment.😖

Just have some respect, especially if you asked for advice yourself. Everyone here, at least me, make my comments in my spare time, besides family and hobbies....

Have fun still in your bubble. And in this COMMUNITY.

For everyone else, of course I'm happy to help with my point of view. However, to impose my opinion on someone is far from me. Every participating person on this platform should be emotionally strong enough to question his own decisions or to be able to deal with criticism accordingly. Who takes these basics (tolerance, acceptance and fairness) into account, I and some others here are also ready to give help, tips and advice.📈

Have a great evening! 🍀


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@ccf also create a good base in the community should also be rewarded. Just my opinion
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Respect for other people and opinions is from my point of view a basic behavior in any relationship, friendship and communication. Treat others as you would like to be treated. .... and because I'm a little older I can think of two wisdoms: - As you call into the forest so it resounds out - You always meet twice in life Nice evening ;-)
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GQ also constantly deletes my comments just because I tap out or a notification appears... think they don't like me either 😵‍💫
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We accuse him/her/it of witchcraft and then off on the funeral pyre🥳 PS: I like stick bread
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Since I have not seen the contribution and also do not know who it is, I let times a valuation outside. From a purely objective point of view, you're right in any case. But now comes my big BUT: The tone makes the music (and the corresponding reaction to it). At least today you seem to be on the road with a somewhat loaded tongue. I already noticed under my last post. No offense, I think your work here is great, but if you write with a certain snootiness (between the lines), then it does not go down well with the recipient. Even if it's objectively true, the recipient blocks against it on principle. I don't think it's intentional on your part, and maybe you're just in a bad mood because of something. I do not know, you do not have to say. Nevertheless, time to pay attention to the fact that at the other end, nevertheless, a person sits and that misunderstand (wants) if you do not communicate at eye level. Regardless of whether you (probably) have much more experience in the field or not.
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On the mouth eyy
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Come on, then just write something about my depot. I know myself that it is also strong hara-kiri. According to logic, I would delete the post then practically only if you would praise it.😂
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Amen! 🙏🏼 Find also currently very bad that every negative opinion about Bitcoin automatically reaps an SOS. Is the opinion wrong yes but everyone has an opinion and if you think nothing of cryptos is not an SOS but an opinion 🤔
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