
I write here a small summary of the best books on the subject of "Trading" in my opinion. In the following I will list books around the topic and give a small explanation to them. All books I have read myself. Below I will post the matching Amazon links (no affiliate links). All books were read in the original language, so I can't give any statement about the quality of the German translations.

Trading General:

1) Dr. Alexander Elder - Trading for a Living (also available in German)


A good introduction to the field of trading and good to get an overview of different topics.

2) Jack D. Schwager - Market Wizards


The Market Wizards series by Jack D. Schwager is a bit outdated. However, it is a very good resource to learn from others mistakes and also get a look inside the head of the best traders in the world.

3) Mike Bellafiore - One Good Trade


The best book on prop trading. A very good source to get a valid insight into the world of prop trading. And this is from one of the best, if not the best prop trading firms in the world.

Trading Psychology:

1) Mark Douglas - Trading in the Zone


Dubbed by many very well-known traders as "the bible" for the subject of trading psychology. In general, Douglas presents several methods for integrating and mastering trading psychology in everyday trading.

2) Mike Bellafiore - The Playbook


A very good resource to get an insight into the mind of the best porp traders. In my opinion one of the best, if not the best resource on the subject of "trading psychology".

The days will follow more posts on other areas when it comes to trading. For example Technical Analysis, Quantitative Trading, Dark Pools, etc.


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"The days will follow more posts on other areas in Traiding" What is Traiding ?
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*Trading, of course. the exploitation of short-term price fluctuations through frequent purchases and sales of securities.
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@Yusake now you have it corrected, thought only Traiding would be something new 😂😂😂
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@Barsten haha^^ Nope. My keyboard wanted earlier probably not as I wanted - happened
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Supplement, for the practical implementation of what has been learned and the basics helps : https://www.amazon.de/Trading-mit-Hebelprodukten-Schritten-erfolgreichen/dp/3898798615
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@leveragegrinding What kind of leveraged products are you talking about? I'm out of the loop when it comes to warrants. For me, that's brainfuck in a nutshell 😂
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@Yusake everything possible is explained, but mostly the simpler ones. Basics of call and put, open end turbo knock, certain derivatives... Is helpful :)
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An absolute must read in my eyes is Capital Returns by Edward chancellor, very contrarian but absolutely my style! i have based my complete investment approach on this book
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I don't know it (yet). I'll have to take a look. Btw: Trading ≠ Investment
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@Yusake was also in relation to reading 📖
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I'll write another post about investment books soon. Here it is for now only about trading :)
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