
Just in the letterbox: the voucher for the shareholder gift from $CALN (-0,96%) . This year you have free choice in the online store and can choose a product for up to 100 EUR/CHF 🔥

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🚀 That makes the whole family happy. My letters are probably already on their way according to the post app 😃. Let's see what mine pick out.
Nice thing. I'll have to follow up on that.

Buying 20 shares and then entering them in the share register via ING, for example, is enough?
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@TCS I'm not sure, but I don't think it was possible via Ing
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@TCS As far as I know, the prerequisite for registration is that you have bought in Zurich. If you are with several brokers who offer this, check the purchase and registration fees beforehand.
From this year onwards, registration is said to cost an additional Swiss third-party fee of CHF 25 (or so), but we have not yet been charged for this.
Is it enough if I buy the shares via Trade Republic or what is the procedure?
@GoDividend you are the best, thank you! :)
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@OnlyEko I think the cheapest way to get the registered shares is with a Deutsche Bank or Postbank custody account (relatively cheap foreign order costs and no registration fee). I happened to be a customer there, but of course I wouldn't have opened a securities account specifically for the Calida shares.
@randomdude I asked the question because I am more interested in the dividend in kind from $UHRN.
I know a dividend in kind should never be a reason to get into a stock but I am a big fan of their watches and for me it has a bit of a collector's aspect to it
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@OnlyEko As far as I know, you need a shipping address in Switzerland to receive them
@GoDividend Yes, I have a friend there who is willing to send me the watch when the time comes
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@OnlyEko dann Go for it 😜
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Now it's almost getting interesting. At least I can get myself a nice negligee, because what kind of person wears pyjamas? Unfortunately, the performance of the Calida share is anything but exhilarating.
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@WarrenG I was actually on the verge of ordering a men's nightdress. In the end, I ended up with classic pyjamas. My wife went for the yoga pants 🧘 So there's something for everyone.
For me, the share is the cherry on top of the investment cake, nothing more. A gimmick that's fun 😀
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@randomdude I'm right there with you. There should be more companies that pay out a cool dividend in kind. I think that also promotes the feeling of being a co-owner of the company and not somehow playing Monopoly. Just like I think it's a shame that some companies only do their AGMs virtually.
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