
I will dissolve my $VICI (-0,88%) position and reinvest in $OTIS (-0,78%) reinvest.

The primary reason for this is that I do not want to be so strongly influenced by the development of interest rates in the future. In other words, I no longer believe that REIts will yield a premium that would justify exposure to these risks.

The second reason is that I want to weed out companies that I bought primarily as "safe" dividend payers. Especially the companies that can offer less shareholder value. I now have a separate portfolio for my high yield stocks.

The last reason is that mMn. OTIS has one of the strongest MOATs of all. In the long term, more and more has to be built and before I replace the elevator or escalator, I have them repaired. They also have to be repaired to maintain safety standards.

How do you see REITs?

7 Commenti

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I am convinced by $VICI and see more growth potential than with other REITs. Stay invested for the long term.
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@Max095 I agree, VICI is the best REIT.
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I currently have an all-time performance of -5.27 at $VICI, but I'm sticking with it. Because I am convinced that better times will come again.
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@KonradM sold in the plus, was also a small bet on falling interest rates
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Very nice, throw over the beautiful papers!
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