I am have some cash to spend (2.2K and 3K remaining savings which I am willing to spend might the market really crash). And are willing to scoop up three ETF's: $VUSA (+1,3%)
$VWRL (+1,45%) and $VHYL (+1,07%) .
I am just feeling a bit anxious to buy now. That is an indicator to buy now, as the whole market is anxious, but I feel like we can and probably will go a lot lower this year. So I am not sure to buy now, buy in tranches or wait for a bigger dip, but missing out on possible returns and dividends.
Adding to it, I was wondering on what you guys would suggest for allocation. I was thinking about $VHYL (+1,07%) (40%) and $VWRL (+1,45%)
$VUSA (+1,3%) (both 30%), what do you guys think?