
Review of the year 2024

The year 2024 is over in stock market terms and I would also like to review the year.

I started with a portfolio value of just over €53,000.

I knew that a reallocation of around €20,000 was still to come and had therefore set my sights on the target of €100,000.

This was very ambitious, as I naturally didn't know what the year would bring. After all, there were already enough economic and political uncertainties at the start of 2024.

As I only really started investing in 2021 and 2022 was therefore my first full year on the stock market, I made a lot of mistakes at the beginning, had fluctuations in my strategy (once one was in place) and of course also made a few losses.

That's why it was important for me to stay true to my strategy in 2024 and not throw everything overboard again. Because, as I always say, going back and forth empties your pockets.

Some of you may also remember my early days, when I had a lot of savings plans in place, but they weren't particularly high and were constantly being changed. At the beginning of 2024, my portfolio contained a total of 47 individual share positions and 3 ETFs.

My goals for 2024 were therefore

  • Stay true to the strategy
  • No new stocks in the portfolio, rather clear out
  • 100,000€ portfolio value
  • 2000€ net dividend
  • Investment of €17,000 (without reallocation)

2024 went as follows for me:

January: +4.0%

February: +1.3%

March: +3.0%

April: -0.4%

May: +0.5%

June: +1.7%

July: +1.7%

August: +0.9%

September: +1.0%

October: -0.4%

November: +3.4%

December: -1.7%

TTWROR 2024: +15.8%

Dividend (already in the performance): € 1956.56

Invested: €24,900

Reallocation: €21,700

Thanks to a special payment from my old employer, to which I was still entitled, I was surprisingly able to invest around €5,000 more than I had originally thought.

Did I achieve my goals?

Not all of them.

With the dividends, I'm ~€43 below my target. That's a shame, but it motivates me to step on the gas even more and crack the €2400 net dividend in 2025. That would be €200 net per month, which corresponds to an increase of 22.66%. Again, very ambitious, but you should set yourself ambitious goals.

However, I was already able to break the €100,000 barrier in September. This was of course due to the strong market. I ended the year with just over €111,500. I have remained true to my strategy, but a few new stocks have slipped into the portfolio (and a few out).


The cheering contribution to the €100,000 was here:


New in the depot:

$NESN (+0%) Nestle

$CTAS (-0,63%) Cintas (savings plan)

$RACE (-0,31%) Ferrari

$D05 (+0,08%) DBS

$UNH (-1,12%) United Health

$V (-0,59%) visas

$CSNDX (-0,36%) Nasdaq 100 (savings plan)

$XEON (+0,02%) As an overnight money substitute for fixed planned money for loan repayment in 6 years or special repayment if the interest rate on the balance falls below the loan interest rate of 0.75%. Is topped up with special payments from the employer during this period.

Left my securities account:

$AAL (-0,09%) Anglo American PLC (+37%)

$IBM (-0,29%) (+26%)

$BAC (-0,48%) Bank of America (+45%)

$UKW (+0,75%) Greencoat UK Wind (0 to 0 due to dividends)

$SBUX (-0,5%) Starbucks (+10%)

$BIGG (-6,67%) Bigg Digital Group (-95%)

Unfortunately, I sold IBM and Bank of America too early, but I am still satisfied.

What else has happened?

  • I bought Bitcoin from TR to estimate the costs. Conclusion: savings plan is always around 3-4% higher. Not worth it, if at all then individual purchases
  • Weingut Dürnberg: First dividend received and prospects look reasonable. Depending on how the grape harvest turns out next year, a dividend will be paid again and investments can still be made.
  • The conservatory and paving the courtyard are done. The house construction is more or less finished, everything else will take time and are small things, but now I have to start saving again as I only have a small nest egg and my deposit. All other funds have been used up as the costs were twice as high as originally planned.
  • Podcast with @Koenigmidas is running rather slowly this year due to personal time constraints. You can find the latest episode here: Link zur Folge (also available on Amazon)

Outlook for 2025

So what are my plans for 2025 in terms of finances?

  • Investment of €15,000
  • Net dividend of €2,400
  • One slightly greater focus on high dividend stocks (e.g. to increase $HTGC (-0,18%) to increase the cash flow a little faster)

What are your targets for 2025? Did you reach your 2024 targets and to what extent did you change your targets after reaching (or not reaching) your 2024 targets?

Feel free to let me know in the comments, as I always find it very exciting to see how ambitiously others set/change their goals.

I wish you a good start to 2025 and every success with all your plans and goals.


As with everything, of course, if you're not interested, feel free to keep scrolling and/or use the block function. 😊

34 Commenti

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Built a house, had double the costs and still have a 100k deposit. Finally you have earned my respect, which I express to you with this Respectcoin.
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Good that you left $UKW and ended up in $D05 😂. The @DonkeyInvestor would say in the next sect.
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@topicswithhead Yes, it has already paid off. 😂👍🏻
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@topicswithhead I've been saying that for a long time
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@DonkeyInvestor Yes, it's not a racing animal
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@DividendenWaschbaer Do they taste good?
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@DonkeyInvestor it is worth trying.
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I love posts like this 😍

Strong performance raccoon 💪😊

I'm sure you'll exceed your goals in 2025 too 💪😊
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@Simpson Thank you very much. Let's hope for the best 🤞🏻👍🏻

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you too.

Here's to another cool year at getquin.
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Thank you, a happy new year to you too. I started this year with 6,500 francs and finished with just under 21,000 francs. I also started investing in October 2021, but was only able to really get going from April this year because I was at school for 1.5 years before that and the money for school went on it every month. My goal by the end of 2025 is at least CHF 40,000 and at least CHF 600 in dividends😃
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@Alumdria Very nice goals.
They also sound like realistic goals to me. Money that you invest in yourself (i.e. education) is always extremely valuable. So you seem to be doing everything right.

Keep up the good work. I'll keep my fingers crossed that you achieve your goals.
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@DividendenWaschbaer Thank you😃
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Only started in February 2024. Initially with less of a bearing and focused on individual stocks. Had 10k starting capital and immediately bought BASF, BAYER and Porsche. Thank God I pulled the ripcord early enough and sold at a profit. It then took me a while to find my strategy. And focused on ETFs, gold (ETC) and Bitcoin (ETP). I definitely want to stick to this strategy for the next few years. I simply feel much more comfortable with my monthly savings plans. By the end of the year, I had clearly exceeded my target and had saved 51k. I've also completely reorganized my finances, moved away from the savings bank and set up a sensible 3 account model. I'm definitely very happy and looking forward to 2025.
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@ShrimpTheGimp and goals would definitely be to reach 80k. Continue to live frugally and consciously and spend less time on Getquin ☺️
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Sounds great. Especially that you were able to exceed your goal.
The beginning is always difficult. But if you have thought about a strategy that you feel comfortable with, you should stick to it. Not necessarily until the end of time, but you shouldn't keep changing it.

I'll keep my fingers crossed that you reach 80k next year :)
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@DividendenWaschbaer thank you :) of course I also hope that everything goes according to plan for you and that you achieve your goals on the stock market and in your private life. Yes, the beginning was not easy, but very instructive and enlightening. Above all, keeping your emotions in check... which is of course not yet possible after 11 months on the stock market, but I think I'm on the right track. It's definitely going to be exciting 🧐
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Super review of the year. Keep it exciting in the new year. Wish you a good start.
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@Koenigmidas Thank you, you too! And all the best for the future 🤞🏻
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Respect for this great achievement.
The chat history looks really great.
Thanks for sharing
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Thanks for the review ☺️
Happy New Year 🎊 to you and Mrs. Raccoon
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@FrauManu Happy New Year to you too 🥳
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@FrauManu Thank you 😊
You too
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As we've had an almost identical path over the last few years, all that remains for me to say is "good luck" and of course a good start to the new year 🍀!
May the stock market be kind to us ☺️
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@Kapital_Koala Thank you, I wish you the same 👍🏻
At least the raccoon doesn't have that absolutely unspeakable Tom Ford look. (blue-on-blue > black-on-black)
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I have questions about the winery:
-What does a share cost?
-Are shares currently still on offer?
-Can I see the business figures somewhere before buying?
-In the event of insolvency or poorly performing business, do I not have to put in more (this is common in some private equity companies)?
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As far as I know, a share currently costs €100.
These are not listed on the stock exchange, but are documented in the winery and in accordance with Austrian law.
As is the case with shares, there is also a certain number of shares. If you want to buy some, you write an email with your details (everything is on the homepage) and as soon as enough shares are sold, you will be allocated yours. This can of course take a few weeks or even months.

The business figures should also be available on the homepage.

No, in the event of insolvency or poorly performing business, you don't have to put any more in.

Have a look at the homepage.

@Koenigmidas Please correct me if I am wrong.
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@DividendenWaschbaer Thank you very much, very interesting! Really a nice "alternative" investment. I can't find anything on the current dividend yield, can/will you say something about it? Thank you very much for your time!
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@Thanos01 The last dividend amounted to €2. After deduction of the Austrian tax, it will be transferred to your account. You are completely responsible for the German tax.

The exchange rate also remains the same (€100). It's more of a small hobby, if you like.
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@DividendenWaschbaer Does the DBA not apply here? (Rather a question for the general public in case a tax expert is reading this)
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@Thanos01 The winery is not a bank and it does not run via a bank or stock exchange (apart from the bank transfer, of course).
The DBA does apply. But you have to take care of it yourself. With the German authorities (i.e. tax return) and also with the Austrians, if you want something back.
Of course, there is also a dividend certificate.
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@DividendenWaschbaer No further questions! Thank you very much
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