
Part of the stake paid out

So I have sold 1/10 of my $PLTR (-2,78%) of my shares and thus made 2/3 of my investment. I hold the remaining shares as a longterm investment. I think there is still a lot possible in the future but the valuation is a bit wild at the moment.

I have also sold all of my $IFX (-2,54%) shares (70 units). I would like to further reduce my exposure to Germany.

I will reinvest directly in my ETFs and perhaps add an equity position $PEP (+0,2%) or $NKE (-0,72%) increase

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Venduto x20 a 100,00 €
2.000,00 €
10 Commenti

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What a clean sales price.
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@MoKi28 yes, it's right up to the limit 🚀 your inner Monk will be happy
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A strong thing. It's only the taxes that hurt. On the other hand, if you have to pay a lot of tax, you've probably done something right. 😅
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@SSIT At the beginning of the year there is still a little tax-free allowance, but the taxes will then hurt with the dividends 😬
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$PEP I'm also considering topping up looks very good right now
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@TobiasSimple yes, I want to wait for the next 1-2 days and then pick up a few shares. I currently have 45 in my portfolio. The dividend will also be increased from June
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@Brazzo_Muc Yes, I was already on the verge of adding more, but I think it could go a little deeper before the weekend.
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Congrats on the gains - it's a 5-bagger for me, but will stay in because it makes up <5% of my portfolio.
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@thewolfofallstreetz Top. Yes, my overall portfolio is now up 8% and the individual stocks are up almost 17%. Still too much, but I didn't want to sell any more because the company has a future!
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@Brazzo_Muc That's how it is - a great company with future potential, but no longer worth buying at the current price.
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