
Yes, I know, the confusion itself is confused.

1) I had Cosmos

2) I converted them to Stars shortly after they were created,

but have lost value,

3) because I was one of the first in Stars I got Osmo as a gift via airdrop (this one),

4) I sold Stars and converted them into Cosmos

:) all in all a little profit.

(I've now added it up and put +8% in stars so that I don't have to enter Osmo for 1 cent and then have 4 million % gains)

Osmosis logo
Acquistato a 3,696 €
13 Commenti

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@getquin Dude with helmet does Dude with helmet things...
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@SharkAce thanks? I guess?
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"3) because I was one of the first in Stars [...]"

Two notes: "by being" and it says Star Wars and not Stars War.

You're welcome.
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@DonkeyInvestor that or that is the work of the devil
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@leveragegrinding The only thing worse is the same old, same old
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Wann Lambo?
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@Europoor Tomorrow
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@getquin also recommend, lousy fun
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