
Four Embraer jets for Luxair with an option for 13 aircraft. $ERJ (-3,9%)

The airline has purchased a total of four new Embraer E-195-E2 Tech Eagle jets from the Brazilian aircraft manufacturer, with an option for a total of 13 aircraft. Official unit price of the new "Eagles": 85.5 million US dollars each! These jets will gradually replace the eleven De Havilland Q-400 propeller aircraft.

But that's not all: the company wants to renew its entire fleet of currently 21 aircraft, which will cost around one billion euros by 2030. The strategy behind this is to stabilize the current 93 destinations in 33 countries and further expand the current passenger numbers of 2.5 million. The company sees a potential of 4.6 million passengers in the medium term.

According to Luxair Director Thomas Fischer, the airline expects the first Embraer 195-E2 to enter service in the first quarter of 2026. And curiosity and impatience are growing: "We can hardly wait."


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