
Purchase of position 15 out of the targeted 20 positions in the end-of-year portfolio.


Not much to say really,

- Flies under the radar of most investors

- largest ophthalmic lens manufacturer in the world

- continue to order ophthalmic machines from us while USA and Europe are hesitant with new machines.


Acquistato x2 a 119,30 €
238,60 €
6 Commenti

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Can you give me a hoya
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A thumbs up from me for a company and market sector that I hadn't previously had on my radar. 👍 But with the lousy dividend yield, I have to slap my fingers again. 🙅‍♂️
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@Dividenden-Penner well, the poor dividend yield is almost normal for Japanese companies 🥹
I see it as div growth with a distribution of 15% from the FCF
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I would say that Essilor is the largest lens manufacturer in the world.
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@DusselDuck Essilor is the largest eyewear manufacturer, yes.
But in terms of lens processing, Hoya is a number of its own
Then comes Rodenstock and then Essilor.
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@Der_Dividenden_Monteur I don't know what sources you use, but everywhere I look, Essilor is the leader (in lenses, not frames)
Addition (according to Statica.com, by market share):
1st Essilor / Varilux 12%
2. Hoya 10%
3. Transistions 9%
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