
$SZU (-1,56%)

Hey times a question about a company in the round. Südzucker what do you think :) ? Looks to me like a crisis-proof company with a nice dividend. I mean sugar you always need eg. for cakes. What would we live in a world without cake? :D

Would be happy about a few opinions on this company and wish you all a nice day :)

9 Commenti

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Sugar has its own cycle... - have a look at the long term chart, for me rather a stock that is quite unpredictable. PS: have traded the stock around 2015, but my assumptions mostly didn't come true 🥲
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My thoughts on Südzucker: Put money in at around 11€, sell at acceptable profit and wait again for 11€. 🙈
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Südzucker - Volatile prices Südzucker started the 2023/24 financial year better than expected. In Q1 (as of May 31), the sugar producer was able to increase revenues by about 11% to EUR 2.5 billion, while EBIT even rose by 73% to EUR 282 million. CEO Niels Poerksen also raised the forecast for the financial year and now expects EBIT of EUR 850 to 950 million (previously: 725 to 875 million). Group revenue is expected to remain unchanged at 10.4 to 10.9 billion euros (FY 2022/23: 9.5 billion). The sugar segment in particular is sweetening the business: here, Q1 sales rose by 27% to 924 million euros, while EBIT landed at 169 million euros (Q1 2022: 1 million). The SDAX-listed group defied declining volumes caused by the poor 2022 harvest and drastically increased raw material and energy costs. The positive effects of higher prices had a much stronger impact. The trend in the special products and fruit segments is also friendly, while CropEnergies and the starch segment are struggling with high raw material costs. The sugar market is traditionally volatile, and the current high price level is unlikely to last.
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@Smudeo have never dealt with the sugar business before, but would have thought that higher margins could be achieved there.
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Runs since the beginning of the chart basically only sideways, see there even with dividends no outperformence compared to an Etfs
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Have the currently still in the depot and regret it rather... had thought similar to you and bought at ~16 🤦‍♀️
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Gives better
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@Pewterschmidt e.g.? if you write something like that, it would also make sense to name it... otherwise it's just unnecessary spam
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@MichaelSB82 how is that spam? He asks for our opinion and I give my opinion. If he wants alternatives, he can ask for them. Comments like yours are ridiculous because they want to provoke.
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