
Good morning dear Getquin Community

I have been in the comment section for a while now and have my first question for your opinion.

I would like to further diversify my 70/30 portfolio and not weight the USA as much as it is the case in the MSCI Wolrd. In addition, I would like to bet on small caps to possibly achieve a factor premium. For this I plan a 60/25/15 allocation.

Now your opinion is asked how you stand to this Etf.

8 Commenti

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The "classic" variant with Europe share would be 50/20/30 - World: 50% - Europe: 20% - Emerging Markets: 30% With an Xtrackers ETF you do not go wrong in any case. I have also many of them ;) Your selected here also has a decent fund volume with over 100 million € (coveted and will not be dissolved in the future and still a relatively cheap ETF with 0.3% TER costs. For Europe, however, I would choose the STOXX Europe 600. Has a broad diversification and has the TOP companies also there.
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@General_T_Regnery Thanks for the feedback. I will definitely have a look at it
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Super etf I have myself. Ran in the past super. Currently not like all small caps but that can turn again :) have stoxx and Europe small both in the depot. 10 percent stoxx over 5 percent europe small cap. so also total 15 percent Europe ;)
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@Dreamliner Thank you for your experience👍 The tide is sure to turn soon🚀😅
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I am faced with exactly the same question. If diversification is my first priority, then I add the Ishares MSCI World Small Cap to my 70/30 portfolio in the next step and thus have no duplication. If I want more Europe, then it is for me the Lyxor Core Stoxx Europe 600 (200 large caps, 200 mid caps, 200 small caps) with 0.07 TER. Probably best both with a 60-20-10-10 weighting. And exactly at this point I do not do it after all 😂.
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@Ember That's the difficulty of committing to a strategy that should work as long as possible 😂 I also think about the Europe 600 from time to time....
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@17JahrBlondesHaar I have solved it this way but of course there is more effort for rebalancing but it fits :D : 50 percent World (ca. 40 percent MSCI World / 10 percent Msci World small cap) 30 percent EM 15 percent Europe (10 Stoxx Europe, 5 Europe Small) 5 percent Sector bets/dividends ETFS
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@Dreamliner Sounds good but still too many ETFs for me for now. Comes perhaps still with the future
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