

They say

"Don't buy a share whose business model you don't understand"

That's also true.

I have been $8001 (-0,58%) (if you can call it busy) in order to diversify a little.

Well, I didn't quite understand the business.

I've also looked at and read through a number of blogs and videos.

Does anyone know of a good analysis that explains the company's business model?

And what is your opinion of the company?


6 Commenti

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I'm not sure, but I think the wisdom comes from Warren Buffett?

Now the question arises:
Is it enough that Warren Buffett holds a not insignificant 9% stake in $8001 (and thus apparently understands their business model) to invest there directly himself or indirectly via $BRK.B? 🤔😃
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@ChrisBizz clever answer, but it can't hurt to take a look yourself
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@Mario right. Buffet has to report once a quarter. This means that an investment is up to three months old by then and you have already missed part of the party. But it is still a good guide, as Buffet is not a trader but an investor and plans for the long term accordingly.
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Thanks for the link.
Still 20% overvalued according to the share finder.
I'll take a closer look again this evening.

Are you invested in Itochu?
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@Timurkeser Yes, I am invested - it is in my savings plan
But overvaluation is not so certain as there is only one analyst involved.
But I'm also waiting until the share price has fallen a bit further - around €36 would be interesting for me to make an additional purchase. Until then, only the savings plan is running.
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