

I'm a 20 year old guy and kind of new to the world of investing. I mainly hold ETF's, but i do have some stocks as well.

One of them is $PLUG (-0,29%) and i want to know your opinion on it. Im currently on a 70% loss and its on one of its lowest points of all time. Should i buy more or hold? I don't see selling as an option.

Thanks in advance

4 Commenti

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I think is shit. If you buy more you are going to lose more.
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This is one for the future for sure. But I should buy $INRG ETF. Not just individual stock, it is to high risk. I am 26.76% down on that ETF and it is 2.7% of my portfolio. Might invest some more in it. No matter how you look at it, fossil fuels are being phased out. But has a long way to go
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@Demas the ETF that contains the largest percentage of $PLUG shares should be $HYCN
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I was invested for half a year and it was a horror show. I sold with around 65% loss and that STILL proved to be one of my better decisions. So if you want to continue, continue, but I would not buy more. They make more loss than they have revenue. They‘re also making a loss of close to 100% of their market cap every year at current figures.
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